We hold the secret to a dream
We keep it wrapped in chains
Locked inside a mystery.
We climb a stairway to the stars
Through doorways of the heart
Step inside, the magic starts.
wrapped - avvolto
worlds - mondi
wonder - meravigliarsi
waiting - in attesa
through - attraverso
these - queste
starts - inizia
stars - stelle
fantasy - fantasia
doorways - porte
mystery - mistero
reach - raggiungere
distant - lontano
curtain - tenda
behind - dietro a
chains - catene
dream - sognare
crystal - cristallo
chorus - coro
climb - scalata
heart - cuore
stairway - scala
locked - bloccato
wanna - voglio
magic - magia
moment - momento
really - veramente
hands - mani
inside - dentro
repeat - ripetere
secret - segreto
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