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8 Mile - Rabbit Battles Papa Doc (It)

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    Categoria: Musical
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    This shit is about to be
    already crackolatin'
    up in this bitch.

    Alright, hold on,
    hold on, hold on!

    Gotta do this coin toss.

    And bein' that Papa Doc is
    the defending champion, you get to choose.

    What do you want to do,
    heads or tails?
    Heads. Heads.

    Who goes first?

    Let that bitch go first.

    Whoa, ho, ho.
    Whoa, ho, whoa!

    I can't believe my ears.
    A lot of hostility!

    Papa got a lot of anger!

    All right, all right, all right.
    Hey, check this out.

    We got new rules.
    We got new rules.

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