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Hi, moms. Stephanie here.
I can see we have a flood of new viewers today.
And if you're new to the vlog, I'm sorry.
This probably isn't the best entry to start with.
For those of you who...
...have been following my vlog this week,
you know that my best friend, Emily, went missing.
So many of you wrote in with your helpful tips...
...and ideas.
And I wanna give a special thanks to Leanne Lippens
whose helpful tip made a major break in the case.
I have some somber news.
Emily was found.
Not alive, I'm afraid.
My friend, Emily Nelson, is dead.
Our Father, we look to you again,
facing this moment of our need.
In our sorrow, grief and loneliness
draw us up to yourself
that we may know the comfort of the everlasting arms.
Especially support and comfort those
who have been closest to our departed sister.
Sustain them in the blessed assurance
that death is conquered, the new life is begun.
To be absent from the body
is to be present with the Lord.
May we be assured in the hope
that we shall walk together again
in your blessed presence.
Help us to number our days
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
yourself - te stesso
wisdom - saggezza
wanna - voglio
those - quelli
wrote - ha scritto
thanks - grazie
sustain - sostenere
start - inizio
spirit - spirito
flood - alluvione
entry - iscrizione
emily - emily
whose - di chi
departed - partito
conquered - conquistato
closest - più vicina
facing - di fronte
support - supporto
stephanie - stefania
found - trovato
hearts - cuori
number - numero
again - ancora
death - morte
following - a seguire
somber - tetro
afraid - impaurito
comfort - comfort
viewers - spettatori
absent - assente
assurance - garanzia
apply - applicare
alive - vivo
assured - assicurato
begun - iniziato
missing - mancante
father - padre
everlasting - eterno
especially - particolarmente
friend - amico
present - presente
ideas - idee
major - maggiore
blessed - benedetto
leanne - Leanne
sorrow - tristezza
lippens - Lippens
today - oggi
loneliness - solitudine
helpful - utile
grief - dolore
moment - momento
break - rompere
special - speciale
together - insieme
nelson - nelson
sorry - scusa
presence - presenza
probably - probabilmente
shall - deve
sister - sorella
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