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Pugsley, the baby weighs
10 pounds.
The cannonball
weighs 20 pounds.
Which will hit
the stone walkway first?
I'm still on fractions.
Which do you think?
The cannonball?
Very good.
But which one will bounce?
The baby?
There's only one way
to find out.
One, two, three.
What a glorious evening.
Oh, dear.
why do you hate the baby?
We don't hate him.
We just want
to play with him.
Especially his head.
do you think we love the
baby more than we love you?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Do you think that when
a new baby arrives
one of the other children
has to die?
- Yes.
- Yes.
that's just not true.
Not anymore.
It's just sibling rivalry.
Gomez, do you remember
what we were like?
- I hated you!
- I despised you.
I choked him
until he lost consciousness
and had to be put
on a respirator.
I tied him to a tree
and pulled out four
of his permanent teeth.
When he was asleep,
I opened his skull
and removed his brains.
You did?
Children, you see?
until - fino a
think - pensare
weighs - pesa
stone - pietra
still - ancora
sibling - fratello
rivalry - rivalità
skull - cranio
respirator - respiratore
consciousness - coscienza
brains - mente
anymore - più
opened - ha aperto
arrives - arriva
brother - fratello
removed - rimosso
despised - disprezzato
pugsley -
bounce - rimbalzo
cannonball - palla di cannone
asleep - addormentato
pounds - sterline
three - tre
pulled - tirato
evening - sera
ready - pronto
fractions - frazioni
remember - ricorda
first - primo
glorious - glorioso
which - quale
choked - soffocato
gomez - Gomez
walkway - passerella
children - bambini
hated - odiato
teeth - denti
especially - particolarmente
permanent - permanente
other - altro
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