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He suggests they kill us, he says we're demons from the sky.
He says we must be with the Chameleons. This isn't going well.
Tell them what Lea told you, that together we'll kill the Chameleons
so they can live in peace.
Yes. I live.
But thanks to these visitors I no longer live in fear.
What are you doing?
The right thing.
This man is a great warrior from a far off world.
Abomination. It is death for you to come here.
Is that what you do? You kill what you don't understand?
What are you afraid of? A little baby with colored skin?
This man killed many Chameleons after the crash.
How many of you would be dead now if not for him?
And now you won't help him defeat your enemies.
Stop living in fear. It is time to do what must be done.
It is said that our people have collected
and guarded these weapons down through the ages
Some stolen from the Chameleons. Some passed down from the dark times.
Awaiting a day to strike.
The Chameleons still hold many of our people as slaves.
We will help you, if you will help us.
We'll do it together.
warrior - guerriero
through - attraverso
thing - cosa
these - queste
would - voluto
visitors - visitatori
understand - capire
thanks - grazie
suggests - suggerisce
strike - sciopero
still - ancora
weapons - armi
slaves - schiavi
right - destra
defeat - la sconfitta
awaiting - in attesa
living - vita
crash - schianto
collected - raccolto
death - morte
peace - pace
world - mondo
afraid - impaurito
colored - colorato
chameleons - camaleonti
after - dopo
together - insieme
enemies - nemici
great - grande
demons - demoni
going - andando
doing - fare
guarded - attento
stolen - rubare
killed - ucciso
people - persone
little - piccolo
longer - più a lungo
times - volte
abomination - abominio
passed - passato
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