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Alfie - Joe (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I like
    the bolo tie.

    Oh, thanks.
    I have a collection.

    You know, when you're old,
    you learn to be patient.

    Yeah. Used to be I never had
    time for nothing. Go, go, go.

    My wife was always hawking me to take
    a little vacation: Hawaii, Reno...

    I always said,
    "Next year, Evie, next year.

    I got too much on my platter."

    I always thought
    I'd have more time.

    Then one Sunday night, she...

    she takes the pot roast
    out of the oven, yells, "Soup's on,"

    slumps to the kitchen floor.

    Just like that.

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