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You never had a partner?
I know that your-your ex-wife gave you the heave a year ago.
That would be off-limits repartee for us, captain.
I lone-wolfed it all the way.
- That's who I am. End of speech. - Understood.
By the way, my ex-spouse did not give me the heave.
and in this economy, that's enough to vaporize a marriage.
Some of you get replaced by a comic-book version of yourself.
Nobody wants to live where they are. They all wanna be in a fantasy.
She gave me the heave.
Boy, did she blow it.
- If I may. And you have to know that. - I know what you're doing.
You're not gonna pick my brains. They're unpickable.
And your attempt to get under my hood and ask barbed questions is, frankly...
- Fantastic. - Thank you.
What is that?
I'm tempted to say menehune.
They're like Hawaiian leprechauns.
Or chipmunks. It's something.
There is a lot of mana up here.
yourself - te stesso
would - voluto
where - dove
wants - vuole
wanna - voglio
vaporize - vaporizzare
there - là
wolfed - wolfed
thank - ringraziare
unpickable - unpickable
spouse - sposa
something - qualcosa
speech - discorso
repartee - il rimbeccare
questions - le domande
chipmunks - chipmunks
attempt - tentativo
fantastic - fantastico
menehune - menehune
economy - economia
never - mai
doing - fare
understood - inteso
tempted - tentazione
barbed - spinato
fantasy - fantasia
brains - mente
enough - abbastanza
captain - capitano
under - sotto
replaced - sostituito
gonna - andando
hawaiian - hawaiano
heave - sollevamento
leprechauns - folletti
version - versione
frankly - francamente
limits - limiti
marriage - matrimonio
nobody - nessuno
comic - comico
partner - compagno
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