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- Is that a gram?
- New card.
What do you think?
Very nice.
Look at that.
Picked them up from the printer's,
- Good coloring.
- That's bone.
And the lettering is something
called Silian Rail.
It's very cool, Bateman, but
that's nothing. Look at this.
That is really nice.
Eggshell with Romalian type.
What do you think?
- Nice. Jesus.
- That is really super.
How a nitwit like you get so
I can't believe that Bryce
prefers Van Patten's card to mine.
But wait.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.
Raised lettering, pale nimbus,
Very nice.
Let's see Paul Allen's card.
Look at that subtle off-white
The tasteful thickness of it.
Oh, my God.
It even has a watermark.
Is something wrong, Patrick?
You're sweating.
yesterday - ieri
white - bianca
nimbus - nimbo
wrong - sbagliato
thickness - spessore
picked - raccolto
prefers - preferisce
eggshell - guscio d'uovo
coloring - colorazione
watermark - filigrana
called - chiamato
bateman - Bateman
jesus - Gesù
believe - credere
bryce - bryce
impressive - impressionante
super - super
lettering - lettering
nitwit - cretino
nothing - niente
patrick - patrick
tasteful - raffinato
raised - sollevato
really - veramente
romalian - romalian
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
sweating - sudorazione
silian - Silian
subtle - sottile
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