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How far advanced are these ridiculous plans?
Have you set a date? Have you decided on a church?
We won't be getting married in a church. David's Jewish.
Jewish? He's a Jew?
You are aware, I take it, that the Jews killed our Lord?
And you're aware, I suppose, that our Lord was Jewish?
I suppose he told you that.
We're all very sorry about what happened during the war,
but that's absolutely no excuse
for that sort of malicious and untruthful propaganda.
Anyway, I can see you're far more in need of responsible advice
than I realised.
Nobody does anything worth doing without a degree.
Nobody does anything worth doing with a degree. No woman, anyway.
So what I do isn't worth doing?
Or what Miss Stubbs does, or Mrs Wilson, or any of us here?
Because none of us would be here without a degree.
You do realise that, don't you? And yes, of course,
- studying is hard and boring... - Boring!
- I'm sorry? - Studying is hard and boring.
Teaching is hard and boring. So what you're telling me is to be bored,
and then bored and finally, bored again
but this time for the rest of my life?
This whole stupid country is bored.
There's no life in it, or colour or fun.
It's probably just as well
the Russians are going to drop a nuclear bomb on us any day now.
So my choice is to do something hard and boring,
or to marry my Jew
and go to Paris and Rome and listen to jazz
and read and eat good food in nice restaurants and have fun.
It's not enough to educate us any more, Mrs Walters.
You've got to tell us why you're doing it.
It doesn't have to be teaching, you know.
There's the Civil Service.
I don't wish to be impertinent, Mrs Walters,
but it is an argument worth rehearsing.
You never know
someone else might want to know the point of it all one day.
woman - donna
without - senza
wilson - wilson
whole - totale
untruthful - untruthful
suppose - supporre
telling - raccontare
studying - studiando
stubbs - stubbs
sorry - scusa
something - qualcosa
someone - qualcuno
stupid - stupido
service - servizio
russians - russi
ridiculous - ridicolo
restaurants - ristoranti
rehearsing - le prove
degree - grado
enough - abbastanza
teaching - insegnamento
plans - piani
decided - deciso
responsible - responsabile
absolutely - assolutamente
course - corso
nuclear - nucleare
colour - colore
argument - discussione
civil - civile
country - nazione
anything - qualsiasi cosa
realised - realizzato
killed - ucciso
church - chiesa
paris - Parigi
bored - annoiato
advice - consigli
getting - ottenere
about - di
would - voluto
nobody - nessuno
boring - noioso
advanced - avanzate
probably - probabilmente
because - perché
jewish - ebraico
walters - Walters
again - ancora
might - potrebbe
anyway - comunque
during - durante
married - sposato
happened - è accaduto
aware - consapevole
educate - educare
excuse - scusa
finally - finalmente
malicious - maligno
going - andando
worth - di valore
doing - fare
choice - scelta
listen - ascolta
marry - sposare
impertinent - impertinente
never - mai
point - punto
propaganda - propaganda
these - queste
realise - rendersi conto
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