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Put your backs into it, people.
Wait! Hold...
Hey, stop digging!
- Z? Is that you?
- Weaver, stop!
Z! You're back!
- Oh, Z!
- Weaver!
Z! What's the matter?
Ho-Hold up, everyone!
Stop! Stop digging!
- On whose authority?
On your own authority.
If you break through that wall,
we're all gonna...
Drown! This tunnel
is going to flood.
So we've got to get
everyone out of here.
Look, I got orders,
and those orders say "dig."
What if someone ordered you
to jump off a bridge?
Oh, brother, I'm asking
the wrong guy here.
Look, think for yourselves!
Gimme that!
I've had enough out of you.
Get back to work!
What's that noise?
- Let's get outta here!
- Run!
Run! Run! Keep going!
Everyone, listen to me.
We've all been deceived.
We need to calmly...
...head toward the exits.
- Run for your lives!
It's gonna flood!
- No. Don't panic.
- Don't panic!
- Every ant for himself!
- All the exits are blocked!
- We're trapped!
yourselves - voi stessi
wrong - sbagliato
whose - di chi
tunnel - tunnel
weaver - tessitore
trapped - intrappolati
panic - panico
think - pensare
outta - outta
someone - qualcuno
ordered - ordinato
asking - chiede
digging - scavando
those - quelli
bridge - ponte
break - rompere
backs - schiene
orders - ordini
blocked - bloccato
through - attraverso
himself - lui stesso
enough - abbastanza
noise - rumore
calmly - con calma
everyone - tutti
toward - verso
people - persone
drown - annegare
flood - alluvione
gimme - dammi
every - dejte pozor
deceived - ingannati
exits - uscite
matter - importa
brother - fratello
gonna - andando
going - andando
listen - ascolta
authority - autorità
lives - vite
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