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These are actually really good.
It's just a few of my favorites of my own work.
I've collected thousands of prints.
Each marked off by category.
That's from when we met.
She's beautiful.
That's what makes her so unreachable.
What do you mean?
Marie, like most beautiful women, is very self-aware.
Women like her, they have the power to dominate.
Each whim answered. Each affection celebrated.
I've known women like that.
I do love her. Deeply.
That's the worst part of it all, I think.
You know, there was a drowning here last week.
Though from what I'm hearing, it seems... more like it was a suicide.
- I was there... - What?
Well, not when it happened.
I'm the one who found her.
I didn't really want to mention it out there.
No, of course, not.
That's a terrible thing to have to go through.
Did you know the woman who died?
- Elisa? - No, not in any real way.
I had met her a few times.
Tragic woman, really.
That much I could sense even before she died.
through - attraverso
thousands - migliaia
times - volte
though - anche se
tragic - tragico
think - pensare
thing - cosa
terrible - terribile
sense - senso
really - veramente
dominate - dominare
these - queste
category - categoria
before - prima
unreachable - irraggiungibile
beautiful - bellissimo
actually - in realtà
power - energia
aware - consapevole
suicide - suicidio
hearing - udito
answered - risponde
deeply - profondamente
could - poteva
women - donne
seems - sembra
course - corso
mention - citare
marked - segnato
affection - affetto
favorites - preferiti
happened - è accaduto
worst - peggio
prints - stampe
found - trovato
drowning - annegamento
makes - fa
woman - donna
collected - raccolto
celebrated - celebre
known - conosciuto
there - là
marie - marie
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