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How'd a nice girl like you
wind up working in a dump like this?
Fella done me wrong.
You got lousy taste in men, kid.
He's not so bad.
Well, he has a temper.
Deep down, he's all fluff.
Fact is, he's not like
anybody I've ever known.
All my friends are fighters.
And here comes this guy,
spends his life avoiding the fight
because he knows he'll win.
- Sounds amazing.
- He's also a huge dork.
Chicks dig that.
So what do you think? Should I
fight this, or run with it?
Run with it, right?
Or did he... Was he...
What did he do
that was so wrong to you?
Not a damn thing.
But never say never.
It's nice.
What is?
You and Romanoff.
No, we haven't... That wasn't...
It's okay.
Nobody's breaking any bylaws.
It's just she's not the most
open person in the world.
But with you she seems very relaxed.
No. Natasha, she's...
She likes to flirt.
I've seen her flirt, up close.
This ain't that.
Look, as maybe the world's leading
authority on waiting too long, don't.
You both deserve a win.
What do you mean "up close"?
- But it's a trick.
- No, no, it's much more than that.
"Whosoever be he worthy
shall haveth the power."
Whatever, man! It's a trick.
Please, be my guest.
- Come on.
- Really?
Oh, this is
gonna be beautiful.
Clint, you've had a tough week.
We won't hold it against you
if you can't get it up.
You know I've seen this before, right?
I still don't know how you do it!
Smell the silent judgment?
Please, Stark, by all means.
Never one to shrink
from an honest challenge.
- Get after it.
- It's physics.
Right, so, if I lift it,
I... I then rule Asgard?
Yes, of course.
I will be reinstituting prima nocta.
I'll be right back.
Are you even pulling?
Are you on my team?
Just represent. Pull.
All right, let's go.
Come on, Cap.
And, Widow?
Oh, no, no. That's not
a question I need answered.
All deference to the Man Who
Wouldn't Be King, but it's rigged.
You bet your ass.
Steve, he said a
bad language word.
The handle's imprinted, right?
Like a security code.
"Whosoever is carrying
Thor's fingerprints"
is, I think, the literal translation.
It's a very, very interesting theory.
I have a simpler one.
You're all not worthy.
world - mondo
widow - vedova
whosoever - chiunque
trick - trucco
temper - temperare
taste - gusto
still - ancora
steve - steve
silent - silenzioso
shrink - contrarsi
waiting - in attesa
should - dovrebbero
shall - deve
seems - sembra
security - sicurezza
romanoff - Romanoff
worthy - degno
tough - difficile
question - domanda
please - per favore
person - persona
nocta - Nocta
theory - teoria
comes - viene
guest - ospite
thing - cosa
lousy - schifoso
chicks - pulcini
maybe - può essere
clint - clint
think - pensare
against - contro
right - destra
challenge - sfida
stark - rigido
bylaws - statuto
after - dopo
relaxed - rilassato
likes - piace
reinstituting - ricominciare
breaking - rottura
anybody - nessuno
course - corso
avoiding - evitando
working - lavoro
close - vicino
deference - deferenza
spends - spende
gonna - andando
power - energia
carrying - portando
asgard - Asgard
answered - risponde
because - perché
translation - traduzione
fluff - lanugine
rigged - truccato
never - mai
amazing - stupefacente
pulling - traino
physics - fisica
authority - autorità
beautiful - bellissimo
fighters - combattenti
sounds - suoni
imprinted - impressa
fella - Fella
judgment - giudizio
represent - rappresentare
fingerprints - le impronte digitali
prima - prima
flirt - flirtare
wrong - sbagliato
smell - odore
friends - amici
haveth - haveth
honest - onesto
interesting - interessante
knows - conosce
whatever - qualunque cosa
known - conosciuto
deserve - meritare
language - lingua
before - prima
leading - principale
simpler - più semplice
natasha - natasha
fight - combattimento
literal - letterale
really - veramente
means - si intende
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