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60 seconds to drop.
I have the antibodies
for the lupine virus.
We need to call off
the bombing now!
Move away!
Coming through!
Get out of the way!
Sir, we have an authentic
emergency action message
- coming through NORTHCOM.
- Well, patch it through.
Ramp down.
30 seconds to drop.
Identify yourself.
It's Hoffman, sir.
We have the cure to
lupine in our possession.
where are you?
I'm on RFK Bridge.
We have the cure
to the virus. Over.
20, 19, 18...
How do I know you're not just trying
to save your own ass?
You know me well enough to know that
I'd give my life to stop a contagion.
Mr. President, please.
We scraped the antibodies
from the canine tooth
that we dug out of Patient Zero's arm.
You lose us,
and you lose the cure.
Five seconds, sir.
- Three, two, one.
- Abort.
Damn! I already
dropped it!
Package released.
Impact in 1-3 seconds.
Stallions One and Two,
return to base.
All stations,
Ares Command,
All bridges are secure.
Containment status green.
We've contained it,
Mr. President.
No contagious
made it off the island.
How bad is it?
Eastern part
of the island was hit,
but it was already
evacuated, sir.
We expect minimal
casualties, sir.
How about
Hoffman and Gordon?
It's been
a hell of a day.
yourself - te stesso
where - dove
virus - virus
through - attraverso
status - stato
stations - stazioni
sitrep - sitrep
trying - provare
contained - contenuta
contagious - contagioso
contagion - contagio
emergency - emergenza
package - pacchetto
released - rilasciato
command - comando
patch - toppa
tooth - dente
coming - venuta
already - già
expect - aspettarsi
casualties - vittime
island - isola
canine - canino
bridge - ponte
northcom - northcom
possession - possesso
return - ritorno
enough - abbastanza
action - azione
dropped - caduto
antibodies - anticorpi
scraped - raschiato
eastern - orientale
abort - abortire
seconds - secondi
please - per favore
bridges - ponti
authentic - autentico
identify - identificare
brian - brian
lupine - lupino
president - presidente
bombing - bombardamento
razorback - Razorback
gordon - gordon
stallions - stalloni
green - verde
hoffman - Hoffman
impact - urto
about - di
message - messaggio
three - tre
evacuated - evacuati
minimal - minimo
containment - contenimento
patient - paziente
secure - sicuro
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