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Be Cool - The Raised Eyebrow Look (It)

Scena tratta dal film Be Cool
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Yo, Linda! Yo!

    I ain't dismissed you.
    You're on my time.

    That's my manager, Raji,
    with Miss Bangkok.

    I told them I wanna quit and he's like,
    "You quit me, I'm gonna jack you up."

    - He talks like that?
    - He thinks he's black.

    His real name is Roger Lowenthal.

    He's partners with this guy named Nick
    Carr. He's this music promoter.

    - I know Nicky.
    - They caught me straight off the bus from Texas.

    Said they'd make me this big star,
    and like a fool I believed them.

    Yo, Linda! When you're done turnin'
    tricks, get your ass back over here.

    I ain't done with you yet.

    Look, I can't do five more years,
    not with these guys.

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