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So, where are you staying?
We thought about
asking if we could stay with you,
but then we don't wanna impose,
so we got a room at the Marriott.
Oh, the Marriott's perfect.
I'll have my office contact them
and they can forward us the bill.
No, it's not necessary.
You're our guests.
I insist.
Oh, well, then we insist
on taking you two to dinner tonight.
- What? Tonight?
- Yeah.
We have dinner plans.
I don't think we can--
Something we can't get out of.
There'll be time.
We stashed the kids with Augie's
sister, and we're here for a week.
- It's gonna be great.
- Okay.
Well, we-we don't have
a lot of free time,
but we'll definitely take you
to Le Cirque, won't we?
I mean, or Daniel. I mean--
I know your birthday
is this week.
Let us at least take
you out for that.
- I love how you're doing your hair.
- Oh, thanks.
You'll have to take me shopping. You
always could pick clothes.
tonight - stasera
where - dove
thought - pensato
staying - stare
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
wanna - voglio
sister - sorella
could - poteva
taking - presa
contact - contatto
stashed - nascosto
always - sempre
least - meno
cirque - circo glaciale
definitely - decisamente
necessary - necessario
daniel - daniel
insist - insistere
thanks - grazie
clothes - abiti
shopping - shopping
birthday - compleanno
doing - fare
forward - inoltrare
gonna - andando
plans - piani
guests - ospiti
asking - chiede
dinner - cena
great - grande
about - di
impose - imporre
marriott - Marriott
perfect - perfezionare
office - ufficio
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