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I didn't know you played tennis.
Oh, yeah, I played a little in high school.
So glad we were able to do this.
I'm really glad we could do this, too.
It's nice we get to hang out.
- I know, right?
- Yeah.
It's too bad Lillian
couldn't play with us today.
Poor thing, she is so busy.
I guess, she's not really that into sports.
Even when we were little, she didn't
like anything that was too competitive.
Oh, she certainly enjoys playing tennis now.
It's funny how people change, isn't it?
Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
Do people really change?
I think they do.
Yeah, but, I mean, they still stay
who they are, pretty much.
I think we change all the time.
I think we stay the same, but
grow, I guess, a little bit.
I think if you are growing,
then you are changing.
But, I mean, we are changing from who
we are, which we always stay as.
Not really, I don't think so.
Oh, Annie! These are my kids.
Step-kids. Step.
- They are so hilarious.
- Funny.
Excuse me, my husband's kids.
What are you guys up to?
Going to the snack bar.
Awesome. You need a ride home later?
Fuck off, Helen.
Okay. Put a quarter in the swear-jar.
Good to see you.
They are so cute.
Sweet kids.
Carol! Get your shit
together, Carol!
I've seen better tennis playing
in a tampon commercial.
which - quale
together - insieme
today - oggi
thing - cosa
these - queste
swear - giurare
sports - gli sport
really - veramente
played - giocato
commercial - commerciale
carol - carola
certainly - certamente
right - destra
funny - divertente
changing - mutevole
better - meglio
quarter - trimestre
always - sempre
people - persone
little - piccolo
could - poteva
tennis - tennis
tampon - tampone
annie - annie
school - scuola
competitive - competitivo
think - pensare
excuse - scusa
helen - helen
later - dopo
pretty - bella
awesome - eccezionale
sweet - dolce
snack - merenda
enjoys - gode
going - andando
change - modificare
growing - in crescita
guess - indovina
playing - giocando
anything - qualsiasi cosa
lillian - lillian
still - ancora
hilarious - divertente
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