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Bridesmaids - Mean Tennis (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I didn't know you played tennis.

    Oh, yeah, I played a little in high school.

    So glad we were able to do this.

    I'm really glad we could do this, too.
    It's nice we get to hang out.

    - I know, right?
    - Yeah.

    It's too bad Lillian
    couldn't play with us today.

    Poor thing, she is so busy.

    I guess, she's not really that into sports.

    Even when we were little, she didn't
    like anything that was too competitive.

    Oh, she certainly enjoys playing tennis now.

    It's funny how people change, isn't it?

    Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
    Do people really change?

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