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Come on, it is...
I mean, I know it's been awkward as ass...
but there's... there's no need to leave.
No, actually, there is.
I've been offered a job in television.
And they want me to start straightaway.
So I've got to leave in about, ooh, three minutes...
Whoa. Just hold it right there, Miss Jones.
I'm sorry to inform you...
but I think you'll find that by contract...
you're expected to give at least six weeks notice.
Ah, yes, well...
I thought with the company being in so much trouble and all...
you wouldn't really miss the person who waltzes in in a see-through top
and fannies about with the press releases.
I want to hear this, because if she gives one inch...
I'm gonna fire her bony little bottom anyway for being totally spineless.
Well, I just think you should know that...
there are lots of prospects here for a talented person.
Just give me a minute, will you, Simon? Thanks.
Right-o, boss man.
Lots of prospects for a person who...
you know, perhaps for personal reasons...
has been slightly overlooked professionally.
Thank you, Daniel. That is very good to know...
but if staying here means working within 10 yards of you...
frankly, I'd rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein's ass.
yards - cantieri
working - lavoro
within - entro
weeks - settimane
trouble - guaio
totally - totalmente
three - tre
think - pensare
television - [object Object]
through - attraverso
little - piccolo
minute - minuto
about - di
overlooked - trascurato
company - azienda
leave - partire
because - perché
thanks - grazie
jones - jones
inform - far sapere
professionally - professionalmente
gonna - andando
thank - ringraziare
awkward - scomodo
gives - dà
rather - piuttosto
anyway - comunque
should - dovrebbero
waltzes - valzer
actually - in realtà
reasons - motivi
talented - talentuoso
bottom - parte inferiore
releases - rilasci
contract - contrarre
personal - personale
being - essere
perhaps - forse
sorry - scusa
least - meno
daniel - daniel
there - là
offered - offerta
means - si intende
really - veramente
person - persona
thought - pensato
expected - previsto
press - stampa
minutes - minuti
right - destra
saddam - saddam
fannies - Fannies
simon - simon
frankly - francamente
spineless - smidollato
wiping - asciugandosi
slightly - leggermente
start - inizio
notice - Avviso
staying - stare
prospects - prospettive
straightaway - immediamente
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