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These are the ground rules.
I hook up with one guy a season.
Usually takes me a couple weeks
to pick the guy.
It's kind of my own spring training.
And well, you two are the most promising
prospects of the season so far.
So, I just thought we should kind of
get to know each other.
Time-out. Why do you get to choose?
- Why?
- Why do you get to choose?
A mean, why don't I get to choose?
Why doesn't he get to choose?
Well, actually, nobody on this planet
ever really chooses each other.
It's all a question of quantum physics,
molecular attraction and timing.
There are laws we don't understand
that bring us together and tear us apart.
Well, it's like pheromones.
You get three ants together,
they can't do dick.
You get 300 million of them,
they can build a cathedral.
So is somebody gonna go to bed
with somebody or what?
Honey, you are a regular nuclear meltdown.
You better cool off.
Wait a minute. Where you going?
After 12 years in the minor leagues,
I don't try out.
I don't believe in quantum physics
when it comes to matters of the heart.
What do you believe in, then?
Well, I believe in the soul,
the cock, the pussy,
the small of a woman's back,
the hanging curveball,
high fiber, good Scotch,
that the novels of Susan Sontag
are self-indulgent, overrated crap.
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
I believe there ought to be
a constitutional amendment
outlawing AstroTurf
and the designated hitter.
I believe in the sweet spot,
soft-core pornography,
opening your presents Christmas morning
rather than Christmas Eve
and I believe in long, slow, deep,
soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Good night.
Oh, my.
Hey, Annie, what's all this molecule stuff?
Crash, wait! Look, all's I want is a date.
I'm not gonna fall in love
with you or nothing.
I'm not interested in a woman
who's interested in that boy.
Good night.
- I'm not interested yet.
- Who you calling a boy?
See you at the yard, Meat.
Damn, nobody's ever said no
to a date with me before.
He's crazy.
I want you bad.
woman - donna
together - insieme
three - tre
thought - pensato
takes - prende
sweet - dolce
sontag -
somebody - qualcuno
timing - sincronizzazione
small - piccolo
scotch - scotch
regular - regolare
susan - susan
pussy - micio
promising - promettente
where - dove
presents - regali
pornography - pornografia
planet - pianeta
years - anni
physics - fisica
pheromones - feromoni
overrated - sopravvalutato
quantum - quantistico
outlawing - bando
ought - dovere
other - altro
rather - piuttosto
oswald - oswald
understand - capire
novels - romanzi
nothing - niente
nobody - nessuno
spring - primavera
night - notte
chooses - sceglie
choose - scegliere
calling - chiamata
build - costruire
matters - questioni
harvey - harvey
nuclear - nucleare
christmas - natale
prospects - prospettive
morning - mattina
annie - annie
believe - credere
constitutional - costituzionale
meltdown - meltdown
acted - agito
weeks - settimane
season - stagione
before - prima
leagues - campionati
amendment - emendamento
after - dopo
attraction - attrazione
there - là
question - domanda
astroturf - erba sintetica
really - veramente
apart - a parte
going - andando
gonna - andando
couple - coppia
training - formazione
alone - da solo
should - dovrebbero
opening - apertura
ground - terra
honey - miele
million - milione
better - meglio
crash - schianto
curveball - palla curva
crazy - pazzo
comes - viene
hanging - sospeso
actually - in realtà
designated - designato
cathedral - cattedrale
fiber - fibra
rules - regole
heart - cuore
stuff - cose
hitter - hitter
indulgent - indulgente
interested - interessato
kisses - baci
these - queste
minor - minore
usually - generalmente
bring - portare
minute - minuto
molecular - molecolare
molecule - jedyną starą rzeczą, jaką miał, był jego dług.
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