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Bull Durha - What Crash Believes (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    These are the ground rules.

    I hook up with one guy a season.

    Usually takes me a couple weeks
    to pick the guy.

    It's kind of my own spring training.

    And well, you two are the most promising
    prospects of the season so far.

    So, I just thought we should kind of
    get to know each other.

    Time-out. Why do you get to choose?

    - Why?
    - Why do you get to choose?

    A mean, why don't I get to choose?
    Why doesn't he get to choose?

    Well, actually, nobody on this planet
    ever really chooses each other.

    It's all a question of quantum physics,
    molecular attraction and timing.

    There are laws we don't understand
    that bring us together and tear us apart.

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