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So you're saying a person is a virgin...
until they've had intercourse with a member of the opposite sex.
Isn't that the standard definition?
Again with your standards.
I think virginity is lost when you make love for the first time.
- With a member of the opposite sex. - Why? Why only?
Because that's the standard. What do you want me to tell ya?
So if a virgin is raped, then she's still a virgin?
- No, of course not. - But rape is not the standard.
So she's had sex, but not the standard idea of sex.
Hence, according to your definition, she'd still be a virgin.
- Okay, fine, I'll revise. - Uh-huh.
Virginity is lost when the hymen is broken.
- Then I lost my virginity at ten. - Really?
'Cause, see, I fell on a fence post when I was ten, and it broke my hymen.
Okay. Second revision.
Virginity is lost through penetration.
Physical penetration or emotional.
- Emotional penetration? - Mmm.
I fell in love hard with Caitlin Bree when we were in high school.
Physical penetration.
- We had sex. - Yeah, but not real sex.
I move to have that remark stricken from the record,
on account of it makes you come off as completely naive and infantile.
Well, where's the penetration in lesbian sex?
A finger? Okay.
If I've had my finger up my ass. I wouldn't say I've had anal sex.
You're kidding me! How?
Our bodies are built to pass a child, for Christ's sake.
Yeah, but I mean... Jesus! Doesn't that hurt?
- Sure, but in that good way. - Oh.
It's only a once-in-a-while thing reserved for really special occasions.
- How about not-so-special occasions? - Tongue only.
Well, but see... Come on. That's what I'm sayin'.
It's like, how can that be enough?
You know, how big can a tongue really get?
My God.
Let's go.
while - mentre
virginity - verginità
virgin - vergine
tongue - lingua
through - attraverso
think - pensare
thing - cosa
stricken - colpito
infantile - infantile
broken - rotto
course - corso
kidding - prendendo in giro
first - primo
really - veramente
completely - completamente
account - account
according - secondo
broke - rotto
hymen - imene
child - bambino
again - ancora
about - di
enough - abbastanza
special - speciale
bodies - corpi
revise - rivedere
finger - dito
because - perché
observe - osservare
school - scuola
built - costruito
makes - fa
caitlin - caitlin
physical - fisico
still - ancora
intercourse - rapporto
occasions - occasioni
revision - revisione
hence - quindi
jesus - Gesù
lesbian - lesbica
emotional - emotivo
member - membro
naive - ingenuo
opposite - di fronte
standards - norme
definition - definizione
person - persona
penetration - penetrazione
standard - standard
fence - recinto
raped - violentata
record - disco
remark - osservazione
until - fino a
reserved - riservato
saying - detto
second - secondo
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