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Fishes terrorist leader Julian Taylor was killed today
in a gun battle with police near Canterbury.
Four other terrorists escaped after murdering two officers.
Police say they have sufficient forensic and surveillance evidence
to identify the four killers.
All suspects should be considered armed and extremely dangerous.
This was broadcast an hour ago.
We have to assume it's just a matter of time before they identify the rest of us,
which includes you, Theo.
- Why is he here? - He's not a Fish.
- He's not one of us. - I want him here.
Kee wants him, he stays.
We all agreed to deliver Kee to our brothers and sisters in the Human Project.
- Right. - Well. now we got to reevaluate that position.
No, there's no need. We move forward with the original plan.
She'll never make it. The police are looking for her.
We can find a way. It's what Julian wanted.
We'd be risking the girl's life.
Listen, listen! She belongs here.
And this baby is the flag that could unite us all!
My baby's not a flag.
Make it public!
- What? - What?
Excuse me?
You should make it public.
Well, you saw the telly. She's about to be very public.
It doesn't matter. She's pregnant.
Oh, right. And then the government will say,
"We were wrong. Fugees are humans, too."
Yeah. Well, whatever is going on,
whatever your political ideas are, it's irrelevant.
- It doesn't matter. - Oh, come on.
She needs a doctor.
Look, the government will take her baby
and parade a posh black English lady as the mother.
Nobody's taking my baby!
We all know this government would never acknowledge
the first human birth in 18 years from a fugee.
A wanted fugee.
Why don't we explain to Mr. Faron what they do to immigrants in this country?
He knows. He's seen the cages. He's not that stupid.
I'm not going to the government.
You told me you would get me to the Human Project.
You promised me.
And we will.
But I don't think it's safe to try and reach the coast now.
You could stay here, Kee.
It's a safe place for you to have your child.
And when you and the baby are well enough,
we will find a way to get you to the Human Project.
I promise you, Kee.
It could take months to get back in touch with them again.
This is true. We have to take it under consideration.
Kee, this is your decision.
What do you think?
I think you need proper care.
She has proper care!
Kee, this is your choice.
I have my baby here...
Then you get me to the Human Project.
Thank you, Kee. Thank you.
We need to organize safe houses. No more than three days in one place.
No, no, you can't keep moving her around.
years - anni
would - voluto
which - quale
wants - vuole
unite - unire
under - sotto
three - tre
think - pensare
thank - ringraziare
government - governo
forensic - legale
reach - raggiungere
faron - faron
moving - in movimento
stupid - stupido
wanted - ricercato
sisters - sorelle
explain - spiegare
enough - abbastanza
includes - include
english - inglese
escaped - sfuggito
fugees - Fugees
human - umano
deliver - consegnare
decision - decisione
houses - case
immigrants - immigrati
evidence - prova
organize - organizzare
dangerous - pericoloso
country - nazione
risking - rischiando
about - di
other - altro
again - ancora
before - prima
armed - armato
after - dopo
battle - battaglia
fishes - pesci
considered - considerato
touch - toccare
telly - televisione
belongs - appartiene
humans - gli esseri umani
assume - assumere
choice - scelta
around - in giro
leader - capo
listen - ascolta
agreed - concordato
promise - promettere
birth - nascita
first - primo
taylor - taylor
broadcast - trasmissione
going - andando
child - bambino
canterbury - Canterbury
place - posto
knows - conosce
fugee - fugee
excuse - scusa
coast - costa
cages - gabbie
original - originale
parade - parata
whatever - qualunque cosa
irrelevant - non pertinente
brothers - fratelli
suspects - sospetti
julian - giuliano
killed - ucciso
position - posizione
could - poteva
killers - killer
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
acknowledge - riconoscere
ideas - idee
matter - importa
months - mesi
doctor - medico
mother - madre
terrorists - terroristi
project - progetto
wrong - sbagliato
murdering - assassinio
needs - esigenze
officers - ufficiali
never - mai
extremely - estremamente
police - polizia
consideration - considerazione
taking - presa
should - dovrebbero
political - politico
pregnant - incinta
promised - promesso
reevaluate - rivalutare
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