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Good morning, gang!
It smells yummy!
Our real dad's a super, super-duper good cook!
Here you go, guys.
Yeah, it looks an awful lot like Cinnabon.
Well, thank you, Brad. What a nice thing to say.
It tastes exactly like Cinnabon!
In fact, same shape, same swirl, same frosting.
Now you're starting to embarrass me, but I do appreciate the compliment.
Good morning, Sar-bear!
- Morning. - Hey, listen, guys,
Brad and I had a talk last night about the importance of family.
And now that everyone's here, I wanted to say a few words, okay?
I think that would be great.
Hey, kids, you know, families can be ever-growing and changing things.
And sometimes someone new knocks on the door of your heart
and you're not sure if you have room in there for one more.
But there's someone here now that I hope you guys can learn to love.
Come here, boy!
A doggy! Yay!
You brought a dog home?
Yeah. Is that a problem?
I mean, you seemed really into it while I was teeing it up.
No, I thought you were talking about me.
- Oh, but you're not a dog, Brad. - No...
Look, last night, when we talked...
Oh, yeah. Well, listen, that's-that's got to happen organically.
Why can't it happen now?
It just can't.
Dusty, how old is that thing?
I'd guess him to be around 15.
I mean, I found him this morning, living in a storm drain.
I named him Tumor, because of how much he grows on you.
Mommy, can we keep Tumor, please?
Oh, I'm gonna leave this one up to Brad.
Please, Brad! Please!
Why is he looking at me like that?
He's only looking at me.
Maybe we just get a puppy instead?
A puppy, Brad? What are they going to learn from a puppy?
An old dog like Tumor here's been out in the world, man. Living free.
Fighting for survival and seeing things we can only dream of.
Just look at the wisdom in those cloudy eyes.
Besides, you know what happens to old dogs at shelters.
He's gonna have to walk the green mile as soon as he gets there.
No, Brad, no! Don't kill our dog!
I hate you!
Okay. Okay. Fine.
He can live out his few remaining weeks with us.
Yay! Thanks, Brad.
I don't hate you anymore.
He's going potty!
Oh, my God.
We'll clean it up. We don't mind.
Look at that.
The dog's already teaching them responsibility.
Hey, guys, when you gonna pick up the potty, you gotta use gloves.
He's definitely got worms in his poo.
yummy - delizioso
worms - vermi
words - parole
weeks - settimane
while - mentre
those - quelli
think - pensare
things - cose
there - là
thanks - grazie
teeing - tee
tastes - gusti
storm - tempesta
smells - odori
shape - forma
seemed - sembrava
thank - ringraziare
seeing - vedendo
responsibility - responsabilità
potty - vasino
super - super
night - notte
wisdom - saggezza
organically - organicamente
morning - mattina
maybe - può essere
looks - sembra
would - voluto
mommy - mammina
exactly - di preciso
dusty - polveroso
duper - duper
world - mondo
dream - sognare
tumor - tumore
drain - drenare
embarrass - imbarazzare
definitely - decisamente
named - di nome
compliment - complimento
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
gonna - andando
appreciate - apprezzare
someone - qualcuno
growing - in crescita
talking - parlando
about - di
teaching - insegnamento
shelters - rifugi
around - in giro
instead - anziché
please - per favore
cloudy - nuvoloso
awful - terribile
puppy - cucciolo
heart - cuore
talked - parlato
because - perché
survival - sopravvivenza
remaining - residuo
leave - partire
already - già
happen - accadere
besides - inoltre
thought - pensato
cinnabon - cinnabon
brought - portato
starting - di partenza
anymore - più
changing - mutevole
families - famiglie
family - famiglia
clean - pulito
fighting - combattente
gotta - devo
thing - cosa
frosting - smerigliatura
sometimes - a volte
learn - imparare
gloves - guanti
great - grande
swirl - turbine
really - veramente
green - verde
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
found - trovato
guess - indovina
happens - accade
doggy - cagnetto
grows - cresce
importance - importanza
problem - problema
knocks - urti
listen - ascolta
living - vita
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