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Bob Alexander has accused me of....
Let me read this to make sure I get it right.
"Illegally influencing government regulators...
...on behalf of major campaign contributors...
...interfering with an ongoing Justice Department investigation...
...and violating federal election laws in the area of campaign finance."
Okay, let's get right to the guts of it.
Each one of these charges is absolutely true.
Die, you pond scum.
I'm the president, and as they say, the buck stops here.
So I take full responsibility for every one of my illegal actions.
But, you see, that's not the whole story.
And I think each one of you is entitled to the whole truth.
I have here written proof... the form of notes, memoranda and personal directives...
...proving that Bob Alexander was also involved... each one of these incidents,
and in most cases, planned them as well.
Now, allegations of wrongdoing have also been made
against Vice-President Nance.
Now, as this evidence will prove, at no time...
...and in no way was the vice-president involved in any of this afair.
Bob just made all that up.
Vice-President Nance... is a good and decent public servant...
...and I'd like to apologize for any pain
this may have caused him or his family.
And while we're on the subject...
...I'd like to apologize to the American people.
You see... I forgot that I was hired to do a job for you...
...and it was just a temp job at that.
I forgot that I had 250 million people...
...who were paying me to make their lives a little bit better.
And I didn't live up to my part of the bargain.
I think there are certain things you should expect from your president.
I had to care more about you than I do about me.
I had to care about more about....
I had to care more about what's right than I do about what's popular.
I ought to be willing to give up this whole thing...
...for something I believe in...
...because if I'm not....
If I'm not--
If I'm not, then...
...maybe I don't belong here in the first--
truth - verità
thing - cosa
these - queste
there - là
subject - soggetto
stops - fermate
right - destra
violating - violando
responsibility - responsabilità
regulators - regolatori
proof - prova
president - presidente
something - qualcosa
popular - popolare
planned - pianificato
things - cose
people - persone
paying - pagare
personal - personale
ongoing - in corso
notes - gli appunti
nance - Nance
million - milione
memoranda - memorandum
ought - dovere
maybe - può essere
wrongdoing - illeciti
cases - casi
alexander - alessandro
campaign - campagna
certain - certo
justice - giustizia
better - meglio
proving - dimostrando
believe - credere
absolutely - assolutamente
think - pensare
against - contro
allegations - accuse
expect - aspettarsi
charges - oneri
story - storia
actions - azioni
bargain - affare
belong - appartenere
directives - direttive
first - primo
whole - totale
accused - accusato
hired - assunti
about - di
major - maggiore
afair - afair
written - scritto
american - americano
illegally - abusivamente
while - mentre
their - loro
decent - decente
department - dipartimento
willing - disposto
election - elezione
entitled - intitolato
because - perché
every - dejte pozor
evidence - prova
public - pubblico
behalf - per conto
federal - federale
contributors - contributori
family - famiglia
little - piccolo
apologize - scusarsi
finance - finanza
lives - vite
investigation - indagine
forgot - dimenticato
prove - dimostrare
government - governo
illegal - illegale
incidents - incidenti
caused - causato
influencing - influenzare
should - dovrebbero
interfering - interferendo
servant - servitore
involved - coinvolti
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