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I'm Deuce.
I'm Eva.
Is that a Sudanese Sweetlips?
- How did you know?
- It's, like, my top-five favorite fish.
They have one
here at the aquarium.
I heard this place is incredible.
The doorknob?
I'll get it. Okay.
Oh, thanks. Thank you.
He's beautiful.
That's really good.
Excuse me, but in America they don't
allow smoking in aquariums.
Well, in Europe, we don't unilaterally
attack a country just to steal their oil.
"What?" Did I offend you?
Are you going to shock and awe me?
Maybe you should check my pockets
for weapons of mass destruction!
What are you talking about? I just
asked you to put your cigarette out.
And then what is next?
Take wine away from my children?
I put out this cigarette.
God bless America.
The nicotine in that cigarette
is poisonous.
- So they say.
- It could kill every fish in that tank.
Poor little fishy.
Hey. Why are you with that loser?
You have a nice ass.
I think this belongs to you.
You dick!
I would like to take you from behind.
My penis is uncircumcised.
No head.
It's like a torpedo.
- Pig.
- Oh, are you tired of swimming?
Did the little fishies
not want to play with you?
Fuck off, you Yank!
would - voluto
weapons - armi
tired - stanco
think - pensare
unilaterally - unilateralmente
their - loro
thanks - grazie
thank - ringraziare
sudanese - sudanese
sweetlips - dolci labbra
doorknob - maniglia
penis - pene
destruction - distruzione
offend - offendere
every - dejte pozor
europe - europa
bless - benedire
torpedo - siluro
should - dovrebbero
cigarette - sigaretta
children - bambini
little - piccolo
check - dai un'occhiata
deuce - diavolo
aquarium - acquario
maybe - può essere
excuse - scusa
belongs - appartiene
america - America
country - nazione
beautiful - bellissimo
behind - dietro a
aquariums - acquari
asked - chiesto
uncircumcised - incirconciso
steal - rubare
about - di
talking - parlando
attack - attacco
incredible - incredibile
poisonous - velenoso
favorite - favorito
fishies - fishies
fishy - di pesce
going - andando
shock - shock
loser - perdente
swimming - nuoto
heard - sentito
nicotine - nicotina
place - posto
could - poteva
pockets - tasche
really - veramente
allow - permettere
smoking - fumo
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