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Dirty Harry - That's My Policy (It)

Scena tratta dal film Ispettore Callaghan: il caso Scorpio è tuo!
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    There's a madman loose.

    I've asked you what's being done.
    Fair enough?

    We've got a dozen men
    checking identification files.

    Checking on all known extortionists,
    its rooftop prowlers...

    -...rifle nuts, peepers--
    - Mr. Mayor?

    We've arranged for rooftop
    surveillance and helicopter patrols...

    ...especially around the Catholic churches
    and schools and in the black area.

    Ballistics is checking on the slug.
    We're pretty sure it's a 30-06.

    - Seven lands and grooves, right-hand twist--
    - Oh, sir?

    We're running a computer check...

    ...on everybody in the files
    whose birthday falls between...

    -...October 23 and November the 21st.
    - Why?

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