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All I hear, day after day,
«Oh, Barry, you're such a disappointment.»
"Why can't you be more like your brother?
«He eats poachers for a living, you know.»
Yes, Mother, I know!
The whole jungle knows.
Oh, my head.
Your migraines are brought on by severe maternal issues
and compounded by sibling rivalry.
Please make it stop.
Oh, no, no, no.
-Lie down. -Oh, my head.
We could resume your treatment.
The stress is unbearable.
I just want to be a good boy.
I just want to make Mummy proud.
There we are.
No one I eat will ever be good enough.
There's the release. Release it.
I will never be good enough.
Unless I eat you!
Because every mother wants their son to grow up and eat a doctor.
You're a sick kitty.
Come here, Doc.
I'll make it quick.
I've got another one of these in an hour.
Give up, Dolittle. You can't outsmart...
Oh. What was that? Oh, wait!
Now it's over there.
And now it's over here.
Now it's back over there. Got it.
And now it's over here.
Oh, I lost it. I've got to get it.
A cat is still a cat.
Easily distracted.
New game, Doc.
Get back down here.
whole - totale
unless - salvo che
unbearable - insopportabile
treatment - trattamento
wants - vuole
their - loro
still - ancora
rivalry - rivalità
sibling - fratello
proud - orgoglioso
there - là
poachers - bracconieri
outsmart - superare in astuzia
please - per favore
mother - madre
severe - grave
jungle - giungla
could - poteva
disappointment - delusione
living - vita
quick - veloce
easily - facilmente
brother - fratello
these - queste
never - mai
brought - portato
after - dopo
every - dejte pozor
barry - barry
dolittle - dolcetto
release - liberare
distracted - distratto
another - un altro
because - perché
compounded - aggravato
doctor - medico
issues - problemi
stress - stress
enough - abbastanza
kitty - gattino
resume - curriculum vitae
mummy - mummia
maternal - materno
knows - conosce
migraines - emicrania
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