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Dr. Seuss' the Lorax - Grammy's Tale of the Once-ler (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Ted, honey,
    don't play with your food.

    You, either, Mom.

    So, mom, do you happen to know
    if there's like any place

    where I could
    get a real tree?

    Ted, we already have a tree.
    It's the latest model.

    Yeah, but I mean a real one that that
    grows out of the...

    ...the ground or whatever.
    You know, like, a real tree.

    Really? You would rather have
    some dirty, messy lump of wood,

    that just sticks out of the ground?
    And it does what?

    I don't even know what it does.
    What's its purpose?

    Look at what we've got.

    It's the Oak-amatic. The only
    tree with its own remote.

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