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-...Zoltan. -Zoltan.
The time has come, you guys.
We are finally going to fulfill...
...our prophecy of outer space travel.
They laughed at us when we said aliens existed.
And they mocked us when we started to wearing bubble-wrap jumpsuits.
But who's laughing now, huh?
I'll tell you who's laughing now. We are!
Soon we will leave this lame planet...
…and fly through outer space with cool aliens who like us.
It is going to be awesome!
That's them! They knocked us out and stole our space suits!
-No, we didn't. -Yeah, you did!
-No, we didn't. -Yes, you did!
-No, we didn't. -Yes, you did!
Hey, who you gonna believe, us or them?
So you're Jesse and Chester.
I've been looking forward to meeting you guys, although
…sorry it had to be like this.
-Wanda. -Wilma!
Normally, we would never resort to violence…
…but we are dealing with the continuum transfunctioner after all.
If you don't deliver it to us, your girlfriends are history.
Don't worry, girls. We'll save you.
Yeah, you can depend on us.
Go now, and bring us the continuum transfunctioner.
And be quiet on your way out. My parents are taking a nap.
zoltan - Zoltan
would - voluto
worry - preoccupazione
wearing - indossare
wanda - wanda
travel - viaggio
history - storia
space - spazio
gonna - andando
going - andando
aliens - alieni
girls - ragazze
fulfill - esaudire
never - mai
resort - ricorrere
continuum - continuo
finally - finalmente
dealing - rapporti
sorry - scusa
deliver - consegnare
depend - dipendere
although - sebbene
after - dopo
awesome - eccezionale
forward - inoltrare
started - iniziato
bubble - bolla
chester - chester
girlfriends - amiche
jumpsuits - tute
violence - violenza
knocked - bussato
meeting - incontro
laughed - riso
leave - partire
laughing - che ride
normally - normalmente
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
mocked - deriso
bring - portare
through - attraverso
outer - esterno
believe - credere
stole - ha rubato
jesse - jesse
taking - presa
parents - genitori
planet - pianeta
prophecy - profezia
enough - abbastanza
quiet - silenzioso
transfunctioner - transfunctioner
existed - esistito
suits - tute
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