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Let's just face it. There's no such thing as a sexy George, all right?
George is not a sexy name.
George is like what you name your teddy bear...
...not the name you wanna scream out during climax.
And by that, I assume you mean?
The stable and self-perpetuating end stage... the evolution of a plant community.
- Right. - Why, what were you thinking?
The same. But I don't say it out loud lest someone get the wrong idea.
I think you know innuendo is attached to everything these days.
Innuendo? What...? Whatever do you mean?
Rhiannon, Olive, go hit the books. They don't hit back.
Also, hugs not drugs. Mess with the bull, get the horns.
And any other cliches you can come up with.
- Bye, Mr. Griffith. - Bye.
- Watch your mouth. - Sorry.
wanna - voglio
thinking - pensiero
thing - cosa
these - queste
teddy - orsacchiotto
stable - stabile
sorry - scusa
someone - qualcuno
watch - orologio
think - pensare
evolution - evoluzione
during - durante
climax - climax
plant - pianta
assume - assumere
stage - palcoscenico
drugs - farmaci
other - altro
cliches - cliché
horns - corna
right - destra
attached - allegato
community - comunità
wrong - sbagliato
everything - qualunque cosa
books - libri
george - giorgio
innuendo - insinuazione
whatever - qualunque cosa
mouth - bocca
olive - oliva
scream - urlare
perpetuating - perpetuando
griffith - Griffith
rhiannon - rhiannon
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