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You're not going to jump, are you?
What's this?
- Nothing. - Doesn't look like nothing.
I'm sick of being an undiscovered genius.
Please just give it back.
What are these, poems?
No, they're not.
It is becoming more apparent now as I get older
that everyone is an imbecile except me.
Oh, my God.
Wait till I tell everyone.
Under one condition.
What, can this wait?
You promised.
Yes, but...
I have absolutely nothing to do with this creature.
Do you promise not to think any worse of me?
- No. Hiya! - Hiya.
- Steven. - Oh, Christine...
Linder, this is Christine.
Christine is an esteemed cohort in the business of petty and dignity.
Tonight, I'll see you as well?
Why not?
Looking out for you...
I wouldn't have him any other way.
What's wrong with her tits?
It's from my exhibition.
- It's art, is it? - Yeah.
I'm not sure I understand it.
Well, maybe you could come along.
And Steven could explain it to you.
You know, he writes poetry.
She doesn't understand that either.
Cheeky twat.
I think I'll leave you two to...
No. You don't have to.
Come on, what do you feel like eating?
I don't care.
As long as it's poisonous.
wrong - sbagliato
going - andando
under - sotto
genius - genio
cohort - coorte
think - pensare
explain - spiegare
leave - partire
everyone - tutti
other - altro
except - tranne
either - o
undiscovered - da scoprire
imbecile - imbecille
eating - mangiare
poetry - poesia
creature - creatura
could - poteva
poems - poesie
along - lungo
apparent - apparente
understand - capire
business - attività commerciale
condition - condizione
writes - scrive
cheeky - sfacciato
christine - christine
exhibition - esposizione
poisonous - velenoso
dignity - dignità
becoming - diventando
steven - steven
nothing - niente
being - essere
esteemed - pregiato
petty - meschino
maybe - può essere
worse - peggio
linder - Linder
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
older - più vecchio
please - per favore
promise - promettere
absolutely - assolutamente
tonight - stasera
promised - promesso
these - queste
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