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Good afternoon, everyone.
We'd like to start off with a preliminary discussion of pricing.
Let's do it. Where are we at?
At this point we're looking at a range of 32 to 34 a share.
At 7.2 million a share that gives us a valuation of 868 million.
Hang on just a minute.
We have to get a billion-dollar valuation.
We have looked at the comparables, Ed.
You said 34 to 36 in your pitch.
You can't leave tens of millions of dollars on the table.
We can get at least 35.
This is a balancing act. Raising money for your company...
while still promising our investors a deal for coming on board...
Look, you begged me for this IPO.
Do you want me to call Channing Trust?
I don't actually remember begging. Does anybody else?
No. So, what you want to avoid here, Ed, is a down...
Because we know what happened with your last IPO.
I don't think that's relevant here.
I believe our goal is to find the right number for all of us.
- The number's 35. - Possibly.
But you can think of it like a... Like a party.
We need to encourage people to show up to the party.
It could be the best party in the world.
- But if nobody shows up... - A party?
- I don't really think... - No, no, hang on.
I get this.
A party.
Go on.
With a 32 to 34 range, we'll get people in the door.
But if the party's good enough...
People will line up around the block.
world - mondo
while - mentre
where - dove
valuation - valutazione
table - tavolo
still - ancora
shows - Spettacoli
remember - ricorda
company - azienda
channing - Channing
share - condividere
relevant - pertinente
anybody - nessuno
preliminary - preliminare
board - tavola
start - inizio
dollars - dollari
could - poteva
people - persone
billion - miliardo
range - gamma
around - in giro
discussion - discussione
point - punto
think - pensare
afternoon - pomeriggio
comparables - comparables
actually - in realtà
balancing - equilibratura
million - milione
right - destra
avoid - evitare
coming - venuta
because - perché
leave - partire
gives - dà
begged - implorò
enough - abbastanza
investors - gli investitori
really - veramente
everyone - tutti
number - numero
pitch - intonazione
begging - accattonaggio
happened - è accaduto
nobody - nessuno
least - meno
trust - fiducia
looked - guardato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
minute - minuto
encourage - incoraggiare
dollar - dollaro
money - i soldi
millions - milioni
party - partito
believe - credere
possibly - possibilmente
pricing - prezzi
promising - promettente
block - bloccare
raising - raccolta
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