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It looks like rain.
You all right?
I should leave walking on water to the Son of God.
Fortunately, I tripped over an angel.
- Comtesse! - Your Highness! Oh!
Oh, careful, it's very slippery right there.
Here, please. Allow me.
Oh! Thank you.
Where are your attendants?
I decided to give them the day off.
Day off? From what? Life?
Don't you ever tire of having people wait on you all the time?
Yes, but... they're servants. It's what they do.
Well, I wish I could dismiss mine as easily as you do yours.
I must be going.
- You're angry with me. - No.
Admit it.
- Well, yes, if you must know. - Why?
Because you are trying to bait me with your snobbery.
I'm afraid, mademoiselle, if you are a walking contradiction...
and I find that rather fascinating.
- Me? - Yes, you.
You spout the ideals of a Utopian society,
and yet you live the life of a courtier.
And you own all the land there is,
and yet you take no pride in working it.
Is that not also a contradiction?
First I'm arrogant, and now I have no pride.
However do I manage that?
You have everything and still the world holds no joy.
And yet you insist on making fun of those
who would see it for its possibilities.
- How do you do it? - What?
Live each day with this kind of passion? Don't you find it exhausting?
Only when I'm around you.
Why do you like to irritate me so?
Why do you rise to the occasion?
would - voluto
world - mondo
where - dove
utopian - kattintson a "plusz" gombra a szavak és kifejezések hozzáadásához a tanuláshoz
trying - provare
those - quelli
yours - il tuo
there - là
thank - ringraziare
spout - becco
water - acqua
society - società
going - andando
holds - detiene
dismiss - respingere
making - fabbricazione
slippery - scivoloso
decided - deciso
careful - attento
arrogant - arrogante
pride - orgoglio
still - ancora
fortunately - fortunatamente
mademoiselle - matmazel
comtesse - contessa
working - lavoro
could - poteva
looks - sembra
people - persone
fascinating - affascinante
allow - permettere
around - in giro
snobbery - snobismo
exhausting - estenuante
afraid - impaurito
attendants - assistenti
right - destra
admit - ammettere
passion - passione
walking - a passeggio
first - primo
contradiction - contraddizione
having - avendo
highness - altezza
angry - arrabbiato
courtier - cortigiano
everything - qualunque cosa
because - perché
leave - partire
however - però
insist - insistere
irritate - irritare
manage - gestire
occasion - occasione
angel - angelo
please - per favore
ideals - ideali
possibilities - possibilità
tripped - scattato
rather - piuttosto
servants - servitori
easily - facilmente
should - dovrebbero
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