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- That's very good. - Very good. Yeah.
Never hit a drum in my life, but suddenly I'm very good.
Without training, without skill,
without all the musical talent that you have.
Never said I was conducting, Dad.
Yeah, well, your mother said you were doing well,
that you were conducting and composing and doing your music.
I am doing my music. It's percussion. It suits me just fine.
But the... the drum?
It's low pressure, and I enjoy it.
I get to travel, the money's fine, I got no ties.
Everybody said that you, you have a... a talent, you have a future.
People are polite, Dad. You know, they don't always tell you the truth.
The truth is, I was never quite good enough.
But all that education, and now you're disappointed?
I'm not disappointed.
I'm not disappointed, but you obviously are.
No, I'm, I'm not disappointed. It just seems like a waste, that's all.
Of what? What's it a waste of? Of your telephone wire?
No, no. It's not that. I didn't say that.
You know, I still compose, and... and I conduct in my spare time,
but nobody wants to employ me to do that professionally.
That's just the way it is.
Well, I guess I'm just saying it's never too late. You could...
You could keep at it
go back to studying, and I could help you out.
It doesn't work like that, Dad.
If it was going to have happened, it would have happened by now.
Besides, I'm not sure it's what I wanted.
I think maybe I was doing it for you.
I don't believe that.
Dad, the point is, this suits me just fine. This is what I want.
Are you... you managing okay at home?
- Yeah, I'm cooking every day. - Cooking? Yeah?
- Do you know what you're doing? - No, I just make it up, it's...
waste - rifiuto
truth - verità
without - senza
wants - vuole
think - pensare
everybody - tutti
besides - inoltre
enjoy - godere
employ - impiegare
quite - abbastanza
education - educazione
travel - viaggio
happened - è accaduto
pressure - pressione
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
future - futuro
enough - abbastanza
spare - scorta
compose - comporre
believe - credere
doing - fare
mother - madre
composing - comporre
cooking - cucinando
training - formazione
suits - tute
every - dejte pozor
always - sempre
could - poteva
people - persone
studying - studiando
disappointed - deluso
conducting - conduzione
managing - gestione
maybe - può essere
point - punto
music - musica
talent - talento
musical - musicale
would - voluto
nobody - nessuno
obviously - ovviamente
conduct - condotta
percussion - percussione
polite - gentile
professionally - professionalmente
guess - indovina
saying - detto
seems - sembra
skill - abilità
suddenly - ad un tratto
still - ancora
never - mai
telephone - telefono
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