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- How are you, Stan? - How you doing, Wade?
Good to see you again, Jerry.
If these numbers are right, this looks pretty sweet.
All those numbers are right, all right. Believe me.
This is doable.
- Congratulations, Jer. - Yeah, thanks, Stan. Well, it's a pretty...
What kind of finder's fee were you looking for?
The financials are pretty thorough, so...
the only thing we don't know is your fee.
My fee?
Wade, what the heck are you talking about?
Stan and I are okay.
- Yeah. - We're good to load in.
But we never talked about your fee for bringing it to us.
No, but, Wade, see, I was bringing you this deal
for you to loan me the money to put in. It's my deal here, see.
Jerry, we thought you were bringing us an investment.
Yeah. Right.
You're saying...
What are you saying?
You're saying we put in all the money,
and you collect when it pays off.
I'd pay you back the principal and interest.
Heck, I'd... I'd go one over prime?
We're not a bank, Jerry.
If I wanted bank interest on 750,000,
I'd go to Midwest Federal, talk to old Bill Diehl.
- He's at North Star. - He's at...
No, no. See, I...
I don't need a finder's fee. I need...
Finder's fee is, what, 10%?
Heck, that's not gonna do it for me.
I need the principal.
Well, Jerry, we're not gonna just give you $750,000.
What the heck were you thinking?
If I'm only getting bank interest,
I want complete security. Heck, FDIC.
I don't see nothing like that here.
Yeah, but I...
I guarantee you your money back.
I'm not talking about your damn word, Jerry.
- Jeez! What the heck are you... - We're not a bank, Jerry.
Well, look. I don't want to cut you out of the loop,
but this here's a good deal.
I assume, if you're not interested,
you won't mind if we move on it independently.
thought - pensato
thorough - completo
thing - cosa
talking - parlando
sweet - dolce
security - sicurezza
thanks - grazie
saying - detto
right - destra
thinking - pensiero
principal - principale
prime - primo
pretty - bella
numbers - numeri
wanted - ricercato
nothing - niente
north - nord
midwest - midwest
doable - realizzabile
interested - interessato
diehl - diehl
congratulations - complimenti
federal - federale
about - di
complete - completare
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
those - quelli
bringing - portando
talked - parlato
getting - ottenere
collect - raccogliere
again - ancora
these - queste
never - mai
guarantee - garanzia
believe - credere
money - i soldi
doing - fare
looks - sembra
financials - dati finanziari
gonna - andando
independently - in autonomia
interest - interesse
assume - assumere
investment - investimento
jerry - jerry
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