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Let's see if there's anything good in the fridge.
Former enemies, one and all.
A catalogue of thieves, double-crossers and do-gooders.
Prepare to meet your maker, your ice maker.
Makes me laugh every time, that one.
Shut that door.
Liquid nitrogen! That will freeze us instantly!
There's a paper clip in my back pocket.
See if you can get it.
In the pocket, in the pocket!
Blimey, it's cold.
That's why I wore me mittens.
Hitmen don't wear mittens!
Take them off! You're embarrassing me.
Well, it's all right for you. You've got little hands.
- Got it! - They don't get as cold.
- I ain't got little hands! - Yeah, you have.
You got lady's hands.
They might be small, but they're lethal weapons, these.
You got your mother's hands.
Right. Put your hands together.
You could have wiped your feet.
Stop squirming!
Goodbye, vermin.
let me see the latest addition to my cubist collection.
- What?! Impossible! - Oi! Kermit!
The prize returns to me!
You big, fat, slimy airbag!
After them!
instantly - immediatamente
fridge - frigo
maker - creatore
freeze - congelare
impossible - impossibile
after - dopo
former - ex
hitmen - hitmen
latest - più recente
enemies - nemici
together - insieme
catalogue - catalogare
anything - qualsiasi cosa
could - poteva
little - piccolo
addition - aggiunta
goodbye - addio
kermit - kermit
liquid - liquido
double - raddoppiare
airbag - airbag
these - queste
hands - mani
thieves - ladri
collection - collezione
lethal - letale
wiped - spazzato
laugh - ridere
makes - fa
might - potrebbe
embarrassing - imbarazzante
squirming - agitarsi
paper - carta
pocket - tasca
every - dejte pozor
prepare - preparare
mittens - guanti
prize - premio
returns - ritorna
nitrogen - azoto
right - destra
blimey - accidenti
slimy - viscido
gooders - buonisti
small - piccolo
weapons - armi
vermin - parassiti
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