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Leave me alone. I'm not kidding, Yodel Odie.
Pop a worm pill and hit the road.
I'm busy.
You want to play? Fine.
You can be my new astronaut.
Go jump in the pail
and we'll shoot you into outer
space. C'mon, it's real simple.
Here. I'll even throw
your ball in there.
Follow the ball and
jump in the pail.
Come on, Odie. Just like this.
Come on over here and just jump
right into the pail and help me. Come on.
No. Just in here, like this.
Uh-oh. Don't touch that.
Houston, we have a problem.
Odie, get off the pail.
Would you get off the pail, please?
OK, time for a new game.
It's called "My Claw ln Your Butt" game.
C'mere. Get back here.
Come on. I'll just use my left claw.
If my legs were longer
I'd have caught you by now. C'mere.
Just wait for one second. Slow down.
Well, well, well. I've got you now, fat cat.
Hey, Luca. Is that a new chain
you're wearing, fella?
Looks good on you. You look great.
You've been working out?
- I've been waiting years for this.
- Would that be regular years or dog years?
What the? Get away from me, pipsqueak.
You're nothing but a...
Luca, this is Odie. Odie, Luca.
Luca, do me a favor and eat him for
me, would you, please?
Garfield, are you all right?
l think so.
Luca's about have Odie for lunch.
If it wasn't for Odie,
you'd be Luca's chew toy.
Yeah, he saved your life. Odie's a hero!
Why? Because l wasn't
ripped to shreds?
No. Odie's an imbecile
until further notice.
yodel - yodel
would - voluto
there - là
until - fino a
shreds - brandelli
shoot - sparare
second - secondo
working - lavoro
space - spazio
ripped - strappato
simple - semplice
right - destra
regular - regolare
please - per favore
waiting - in attesa
pipsqueak - mezzacartuccia
outer - esterno
favor - favore
caught - catturato
called - chiamato
touch - toccare
fella - Fella
kidding - prendendo in giro
great - grande
chain - catena
imbecile - imbecille
think - pensare
alone - da solo
astronaut - astronauta
about - di
follow - segui
looks - sembra
wearing - indossare
further - ulteriore
saved - salvato
garfield - garfield
houston - houston
because - perché
leave - partire
longer - più a lungo
years - anni
lunch - pranzo
throw - gettare
nothing - niente
problem - problema
notice - Avviso
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