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Oh. Come on.
You call this an ensemble? Get it together, girl.
Do not call me that.
Wh-why? I meant, like, "gurl" with a "u."
Not like you're a... Oh, okay.
So, hey, why don't we dust this off
And you take me to the mall and pick me out some eye shadow,
Just like the old days, huh?
You're so good with color.
Yeah, I don't think I'm leaving the house till college, but, thanks.
Listen. I get it. I really do.
With what happened with Tanner I know
that you didn't get to come out to me in the way that you wanted to.
We didn't get to have our extra-special
Mother/son lifetime movie moment.
I know that.
You don't want to go out tonight, right?
I got a plan "b"!
Did you know that WebFlix has an entire gay and lesbian section?
Blew my mind.
Okay, "milk." I got "milk." It's about a gay mayor.
"Boys don't cry"...Now, this is girl that wants to be a boy.
That's a tricky one.
"Brokeback Mountain"... That's the cowboys.
And something called "shortballs"...
Oh, "shortbus." "Shortbus."
So, which one do you want to pop in first, huh?
Probably the cowboys, right? That one's safe.
wants - vuole
wanted - ricercato
tricky - difficile
tonight - stasera
thanks - grazie
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
shortbus - pulmino
shortballs - shortballs
section - sezione
shadow - ombra
right - destra
probably - probabilmente
together - insieme
tanner - conciatore
about - di
house - casa
entire - intero
extra - extra
cowboys - cowboys
called - chiamato
brokeback - I segreti di Brokeback
college - università
special - speciale
moment - momento
listen - ascolta
lesbian - lesbica
really - veramente
first - primo
color - colore
lifetime - tutta la vita
mayor - sindaco
which - quale
webflix - webflix
meant - significava
happened - è accaduto
mother - madre
leaving - in partenza
mountain - montagna
ensemble - insieme
movie - film
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