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My lord, I shall reply amazedly,
half sleep, half waking.
I came with Hermia hither.
Our intent was to be gone from Athens so we might,
without the peril of Athenian law, be wed.
- What? - "However"?
My lord, we slept and slept,
as well you know. Things did change,
as love did grow.
Although, in ways fair Hermia's soul and mine shall forever intertwine.
Alas, we must forever part,
for lo, to another belongs this heart.
Wait a second. You can't do that.
You can't just change 400-year-old literature!
It's not even supposed to rhyme!
I could do it too. I do not like it in a moat.
I do not like it in a boat. I do not like it in a car. And how's that?
Oh, stop cheering.
Stop cheering!
- Thanks. - You're welcome.
welcome - benvenuto
things - cose
waking - risveglio
thanks - grazie
slept - dormito
supposed - ipotetico
sleep - dormire
change - modificare
belongs - appartiene
forever - per sempre
shall - deve
could - poteva
athens - Atene
another - un altro
cheering - applauso
although - sebbene
athenian - ateniese
peril - pericolo
heart - cuore
hermia - ermia
literature - letteratura
however - però
without - senza
might - potrebbe
intent - intento
amazedly - amazedly
intertwine - intrecciare
hither - qua
reply - rispondere
rhyme - rima
second - secondo
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Usiamo Google Traduttore su Speechyard. Per favore, seleziona la tua lingua.