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Girl, Interrupted - Ambivalent (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Am I in trouble for kissing an orderly
    or giving my boyfriend a blow job?

    Melvin says you have some very
    interesting theories about your illness.

    You believe there is
    a mystical undertow in life.

    "Quicksands of shadows."

    And another one of my theories is that
    you people don't know what you're doing.

    Still you acknowledge there is a problem
    coping with this quicksand.

    You know, I have a problem coping
    with this hospital. I wanna leave.

    I can't do that.

    I signed myself in. I should be able to
    sign myself out.

    You signed yourself into our care.
    We decide when you leave.

    You're not ready for it, Susanna.

    Your progress has plateaued.

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