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Am I in trouble for kissing an orderly
or giving my boyfriend a blow job?
Melvin says you have some very
interesting theories about your illness.
You believe there is
a mystical undertow in life.
"Quicksands of shadows."
And another one of my theories is that
you people don't know what you're doing.
Still you acknowledge there is a problem
coping with this quicksand.
You know, I have a problem coping
with this hospital. I wanna leave.
I can't do that.
I signed myself in. I should be able to
sign myself out.
You signed yourself into our care.
We decide when you leave.
You're not ready for it, Susanna.
Your progress has plateaued.
Does that disappoint you?
I'm ambivalent.
In fact,
that's my new favorite word.
Do you know what that means,
- I don't care. - If it's your favorite
word, I would've thought... were - It means "I don't care."
That's what it means.
On the contrary, Susanna...
ambivalence suggests strong feelings
in opposition.
The prefix,
as in "ambidextrous," means "both."
The rest of it,
in Latin, means "vigor."
The word suggests
that you are torn...
between two
opposing courses of action.
Will I stay or will I go?
Am I sane or am I crazy?
Those aren't courses of action.
They can be, dear, for some.
Well, then, it's the wrong word.
No. I think it's perfect.
"What world is this?
What kingdom?
What shores of what worlds?"
It's a very big question
you're faced with, Susanna.
The choice of your life.
How much will you indulge
in your flaws?
What are your flaws?
Are they flaws?
If you embrace them, will you commit
yourself to hospital for life?
Big questions. Big decisions.
Not surprising you profess
carelessness about them.
Is that it?
For now.
yourself - te stesso
worlds - mondi
world - mondo
wanna - voglio
vigor - vigore
undertow - risacca
trouble - guaio
thought - pensato
those - quelli
surprising - sorprendente
think - pensare
suggests - suggerisce
strong - forte
still - ancora
signed - firmato
ready - pronto
quicksand - treibsand
progress - progresso
shores - sponde
questions - le domande
profess - professare
disappoint - deludere
decisions - decisioni
decide - decidere
theories - teorie
problem - problema
crazy - pazzo
ambivalent - ambivalente
embrace - abbraccio
wrong - sbagliato
kissing - baci
plateaued - plateaued
commit - commettere
action - azione
there - là
question - domanda
carelessness - trascuratezza
acknowledge - riconoscere
hospital - ospedale
contrary - contrario
orderly - ordinato
about - di
ambivalence - ambivalenza
believe - credere
quicksands - sabbie mobili
between - fra
another - un altro
leave - partire
flaws - difetti
mystical - mistico
courses - corsi
ambidextrous - ambidestro
coping - cimasa
boyfriend - fidanzato
favorite - favorito
means - si intende
faced - affrontato
latin - latino
myself - me stessa
giving - dando
choice - scelta
doing - fare
feelings - sentimenti
illness - malattia
opposing - opposto
indulge - indulgere
interesting - interessante
should - dovrebbero
opposition - opposizione
kingdom - regno
melvin - melvin
susanna - سوزانا
people - persone
prefix - prefisso
shadows - ombre
perfect - perfezionare
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