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To be or not to be,
that is the question.
Whether it is nobler in
the mind
to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune...
or to take arms against a sea of
troubles and by opposing, end them.
To die... to sleep...
no more...
and by a sleep to say we end
the flesh is heir to.
It is a consummation devoutly
to be wished.
To die, to sleep...
a chance to dream.
There's the rub...
for in that sleep of death
what dreams may come...
we have shuffled off this
mortal coil must give us pause.
There's the respect... that makes
calamity of so Long a Life.
For who would bear the whips
and scorns of time...
proud man's contumely...
the insolence of office,
the law's delay...
the pangs of disprized Love...
when he himself might his own
quietus make with a bare bodkin?
Who would fordless bear to grunt
and sweat under a weary Life...
were it not the dread
of something after death...
the undiscovered country to
whose bourn no traveler returns...
puzzles the will, and makes
us rather bear those ills we have...
than fly to others
we not know of.
And thus conscience does
make cowards of us all.
And thus the native
hue of resolution...
is sick lied over with
the pale cast of thought.
And enterprises of great pitch
and moment in this regard...
their currents turn awry...
and lose the name of action.
whether - se
weary - stanco
under - sotto
troubles - guai
traveler - viaggiatore
thought - pensato
those - quelli
their - loro
would - voluto
whose - di chi
sweat - sudore
suffer - soffrire
slings - imbracature
shuffled - mischiato
undiscovered - da scoprire
respect - rispetto
resolution - risoluzione
regard - considerare
rather - piuttosto
wished - desiderato
enterprises - aziende
dream - sognare
contumely - contumelia
bourn - ruscello
scorns - disprezza
dread - terrore
disprized - disprized
mortal - mortale
nobler - più nobile
whips - fruste
cowards - vigliacchi
against - contro
native - nativo
country - nazione
delay - ritardo
after - dopo
returns - ritorna
conscience - coscienza
proud - orgoglioso
moment - momento
bodkin - punteruolo
others - altri
fortune - fortuna
dreams - sogni
something - qualcosa
pangs - morsi
death - morte
pitch - intonazione
currents - correnti
action - azione
chance - opportunità
pause - pausa
flesh - carne
calamity - calamità
great - grande
puzzles - puzzle
grunt - grugnito
sleep - dormire
outrageous - oltraggioso
himself - lui stesso
insolence - insolenza
devoutly - devotamente
makes - fa
opposing - opposto
might - potrebbe
question - domanda
consummation - consumazione
office - ufficio
arrows - frecce
fordless - fordless
quietus - quietus
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