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Just doesn't make any sense.
Yes, it does.
It acted like a slingshot.
When she jumped back into this dimension,
the vacuum created by the centripetal force
closed the loop.
Who throws away a perfectly good churro?
Oh, no, don't.
Uh-oh. This looks bad.
Ryan Phan?
Uh, maybe.
I'm Dr. Isaac Parker. I'm here on behalf of DARPA.
We'd appreciate it if you'd come with us
to answer some questions.
All of you.
Are we in trouble?
Please, right this way.
Dr. Kalibato to Robotics.
Dr. Kalibato to Robotics.
Holy shit. Sissy.
Hope you don't mind us borrowing her.
What you've created here is truly remarkable.
Suck it, Dean Bronson.
We've been having some difficulties
understanding how the device operates.
We figured you could help.
There's so many different algorithms.
It'll be tough to find the right one to make it work.
I might be able to help with that.
So, we just need to find a test subject.
Wait, you... you want to trap somebody in a time loop?
That's messed up.
Unless they deserve it.
I think I have the perfect recruit.
vacuum - vuoto
unless - salvo che
understanding - comprensione
truly - veramente
trouble - guaio
tough - difficile
dimension - dimensione
difficulties - le difficoltà
great - grande
deserve - meritare
darpa - DARPA
force - vigore
created - creato
answer - risposta
perfect - perfezionare
slingshot - fionda
subject - soggetto
bronson - bronson
behalf - per conto
having - avendo
might - potrebbe
algorithms - algoritmi
closed - chiuso
centripetal - centripeto
kalibato - kalibato
borrowing - prestiti
sissy - donnicciola
somebody - qualcuno
different - diverso
device - dispositivo
churro - churro
recruit - reclutare
remarkable - notevole
think - pensare
figured - figurato
isaac - Isaac
right - destra
could - poteva
looks - sembra
acted - agito
jumped - saltato
maybe - può essere
appreciate - apprezzare
messed - incasinato
questions - le domande
parker - parker
perfectly - perfettamente
operates - opera
please - per favore
robotics - robotica
sense - senso
throws - getta
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