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Happy birthday.
Thanks, but I already
ate it last night.
Oh, my god.
I died in my sleep.
You killed me.
You poisoned it.
But I never ate it before.
So you had to find
another way.
Then Tombs fell
right into your lap.
The perfect scapegoat.
You had access to him.
Did you drug him first?
You knew that
if he escaped
everyone would assume
that he killed me.
But it was always you.
Tree, is this a joke?
You think I would
actually try
to poison you with a
freaking cupcake?
Okay, then.
Prove it.
Go on, Lori.
Take a bite.
Go on, Lori.
You really are crazy.
Okay, then... I'll take
it down to the police.
I'm sure they can tell us
what your little birthday
treat is made of.
You stupid little whore.
I know I've been a
bad roommate, but...
...isn't this a bit much?
What the hell?
Oh, I don't know,
maybe because you wouldn't
stop sleeping with him.
But he just kept
choosing you over me.
Guess all he wanted was
a cheap slut like you.
Wait. You've been killing
me over some stupid guy?
Oh, that's not
the only reason.
You're a dumb bitch, too!
But what I really
wanna know is... did you figure it out?
Because you've
killed me before.
Then I guess I'm just gonna
have to do it again.
Stop! Bitch!
What the hell's
going on in there?
Nothing. Tree just fell.
Everything's fine.
Whatever, clumsy hoes.
I better see you
at the meeting today.
We'll be there.
Eat it, bitch!
would - voluto
treat - trattare
tombs - tombe
think - pensare
there - là
stupid - stupido
sleeping - addormentato
whore - puttana
wanna - voglio
first - primo
prove - dimostrare
figure - figura
happy - contento
perfect - perfezionare
escaped - sfuggito
choosing - la scelta
really - veramente
cupcake - Cupcake
everyone - tutti
cheap - a buon mercato
access - accesso
bitch - cagna
roommate - coinquilino
crazy - pazzo
whatever - qualunque cosa
scapegoat - capro espiatorio
another - un altro
birthday - compleanno
because - perché
always - sempre
night - notte
already - già
actually - in realtà
assume - assumere
before - prima
again - ancora
today - oggi
better - meglio
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
thanks - grazie
gregory - gregory
clumsy - maldestro
never - mai
poisoned - avvelenata
guess - indovina
nothing - niente
killed - ucciso
killing - uccisione
little - piccolo
maybe - può essere
meeting - incontro
poison - veleno
freaking - impazzendo
police - polizia
reason - ragionare
right - destra
gonna - andando
sleep - dormire
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