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These walls that you've built around us, they haven't nurtured us.
They've trapped us inside! We-we-we show up here,
day after day, after day, after day,
in our blazers and our ties and our dress shirts and fancy shoes
like we're walking out of a fucking J.Crew catalogue,
gilded in our own austerity!
Why is that?! That's not cool.
That's very uncool.
You're supposed to excite us, entice us, distract us! Come on, man!
You gotta bring it each and every day and you don't.
Jesus Christ, you don't.
Instead, you walk these halls looking for someone to penalize.
And for what? What's the purpose of that?
For wearing a skirt that's a couple of inches too short?
You don't stimulate ingenuity, you don't create growth.
You fabricate these mindless 'droids with hollow centres,
and you do it again year after year. You abrogate responsibility.
And it's this national crisis, that people all over asking themselves:
Is it the home that's at fault, or is it the school that's at fault?
I don't know.
I say that it's the whole mix of who we are and the classroom
that's supposed to help us decide who we wanna be.
Maybe I'm just crazy, right?
And a puffin?
A puffin? Who's the genius who is behind that idea?
Our motto is: Fly Above All Else.
A puffin is a low-flying bird.
That doesn't make any sense!
So to address your previous request,
I'm not going to give you those names
so you can punish those kids further,
'cause you're already doing a perfectly fine job at that.
wanna - voglio
walking - a passeggio
supposed - ipotetico
those - quelli
stimulate - stimolare
wearing - indossare
someone - qualcuno
shirts - camicie
sense - senso
short - corto
school - scuola
right - destra
responsibility - responsabilità
purpose - scopo
walls - muri
punish - punire
perfectly - perfettamente
people - persone
penalize - penalizzare
nurtured - nutrito
themselves - loro stessi
mindless - irragionevole
maybe - può essere
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
motto - motto
classroom - aula
hollow - cavo
built - costruito
blazers - blazer
crisis - crisi
centres - centri
shoes - scarpe
growth - crescita
bring - portare
these - queste
gotta - devo
whole - totale
skirt - gonna
abrogate - abrogare
puffin - puffino
genius - genio
trapped - intrappolati
christ - Cristo
fault - colpa
after - dopo
distract - distrarre
previous - precedente
names - nomi
asking - chiede
catalogue - catalogare
uncool - uncool
decide - decidere
again - ancora
excite - eccitare
crazy - pazzo
already - già
couple - coppia
create - creare
further - ulteriore
behind - dietro a
national - nazionale
around - in giro
entice - allettare
address - indirizzo
fucking - cazzo
instead - anziché
inside - dentro
austerity - austerità
fabricate - fabbricare
above - sopra
flying - volante
doing - fare
jesus - Gesù
dress - vestito
fancy - fantasia
every - dejte pozor
gilded - dorato
going - andando
halls - sale
inches - pollici
request - richiesta
ingenuity - ingegnosità
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