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Yes, good day.
General Bizimungu, please.
He is where?
No, that is unacceptable.
Who would order such a thing?
Yes, did you find the general?
Gentlemen, please have some beer.
Get me the guest list.
Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir, but I have a call
from Paul in Kigali. He says it's urgent.
Paul, are you all right?
- We have a big problem, sir.
- What?
The Hutu army have come.
They've ordered us...
all of us out of the hotel.
Why are they doing this?
- I think they will kill us all.
- Kill?
What do you mean...all?
How many?
We have 100 staff
and now more than 800 guests.
- 800?!
- Yes, sir.
There are now 800 Tutsi
and Hutu refugees.
I do not have much time left, sir.
I want to thank you
for everything that you
have done for me and my family,
and please thank all
of my friends at Sabena.
Paul, wait.
I'm gonna put you on hold.
Stay by the phone.
Louis, get on to the U.N.
Tell them what's happening.
Did you need something, sir?
Mary, call the prime
minister's office.
Tell them I must
speak with him now.
Paul, are you there?
Yes, sir.
Who can I call to stop this?
The French.
They supply the Hutu army.
Do everything you can to buy time.
I'll call you right back.
would - voluto
where - dove
urgent - urgente
thing - cosa
there - là
unacceptable - inaccettabile
thank - ringraziare
supply - fornitura
sorry - scusa
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
sabena - Sabena
right - destra
refugees - rifugiati
guest - ospite
ordered - ordinato
guests - ospiti
phone - telefono
speak - parlare
gonna - andando
gentlemen - gentiluomini
staff - personale
french - francese
general - generale
tutsi - tutsi
problem - problema
friends - amici
bizimungu - bizimungu
order - ordine
doing - fare
family - famiglia
happening - avvenimento
hotel - hotel
kigali - kigali
everything - qualunque cosa
louis - louis
office - ufficio
prime - primo
please - per favore
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