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l'll get loopy from standing...
and breathing in this human....
You know what this is, right?
This is the nastiest place in all of Hungary.
Are you feeling loopy? You look a little loopy.
Yes. lt feels kind of dizzy. l got a buzz.
Where'd you grow up?
Hey, man, no offense...
but l ain't one of those guys that, you know...
...start pouring his heart out...
and get real personal with another guy, so... save it for somebody else.
My grandmother raised me. My grandmother.
No kidding?
She's the one that put the time in me, you know.
The day-to-day, you know, feeding, and, you know...
Sounds like a sweet woman.
Sweet! The sweetest thing you ever wanna meet.
My grandmother is...
the first person ever punched me in the face.
None of that hard shit,
a jab, y'know, just to let me know she was serious.
Parents don't take the time anymore.
No, that's love, you know. l mean, only...
You got to love somebody's baby
to punch a baby in the face.
Kelly Robinson was just a scared little boy.
That's all. Just a scared little boy.
Keep going. Keep digging.
l mean, l put on a show,
but inside, man, lots of time l be crying.
You ready for a bomb?
Tell me.
You and l are basically the same guy.
Take away the boxing, take away the money...
Take away my money?
lt's a metaphor.
Take away all your women.
Take away all the trappings of success.
And you and l are the same guy.
Yeah, l know. l know. l'm you.
No, l'm you. - Yeah, that's what l mean.
We... We're twins.
Oh, l've got a crush on Rachel for years.
l just love her power.
And sexy and... You saw the way she threw me over.
You know, it was just like l was nothing.
Just a powerful woman.
You know what? Y'know, l'll tell you what.
lf you feel that way about a girl...
...then you gotta do something, you got to act on it.
Can you see how it is when l try to talk to her?
No, man! You gotta do... - Fumbling over myself...
l see, but you need to change all that.
Be honest with me. We're in the sewer.
Hey, l ain't gonna lie to you. What?
l don't have the savoir-faire, that devilish charm.
l've seen you,
and l don't have that. - l beg to differ.
No, l'm not gonna sit here and listen to your...
Bust it, bust it. You do have savoir-faire.
You just have to unleash it.
Unleash it. Unleash your savoir-faire.
l don't know.
You know, if you forget that this is a sewer,
it's kind of a beautiful place.
years - anni
unleash - sguinzagliare
trappings - bardatura
threw - gettò
sweetest - più dolce
those - quelli
success - successo
standing - in piedi
serious - grave
scared - impaurito
start - inizio
raised - sollevato
robinson - robinson
rachel - rachel
punch - punch
sewer - fogna
powerful - potente
ready - pronto
power - energia
pouring - scrosciante
forget - dimenticare
twins - gemelli
feels - si sente
right - destra
feeling - sensazione
women - donne
nastiest - più brutte
dizzy - vertiginoso
sweet - dolce
feeding - alimentazione
fumbling - armeggiare
thing - cosa
nothing - niente
differ - differire
personal - personale
place - posto
another - un altro
angel - angelo
punched - perforato
crying - pianto
boxing - boxe
honest - onesto
wanna - voglio
first - primo
digging - scavando
about - di
beautiful - bellissimo
faire - faire
basically - fondamentalmente
woman - donna
breathing - respirazione
change - modificare
savoir - savoir
going - andando
gonna - andando
crush - schiacciare
parents - genitori
listen - ascolta
gotta - devo
hungary - Ungheria
myself - me stessa
grandmother - nonna
heart - cuore
human - umano
something - qualcosa
anymore - più
inside - dentro
kelly - kelly
loopy - matto
kidding - prendendo in giro
sounds - suoni
devilish - diabolico
little - piccolo
somebody - qualcuno
charm - fascino
metaphor - metafora
money - i soldi
offense - offesa
person - persona
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