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She was on line in front of me.
He was the teller on... on my line.
This guy was to my right and his kid was in front of him.
He was playing with a video game.
I remember her.
- Why do you remember her? - Great tits.
You remember seeing any of them after?
Yeah, I saw her one time afterwards.
How are you sure you saw her again?
I could see under the, under the suit.
Can't hide quality like that.
- This guy, he almost got us all killed. - How?
They put eight or nine of us in an office for a while.
This guy took off his mask and was talking like he wasn't afraid.
"I don't have to wear this damn mask," you know?
So, they come in, pull him out of the room and smack him around a little.
- You see him again after that? - No.
- Was he okay? - Seemed fine.
You recognise anyone else from that room?
I can't be sure about the others.
No one?
- Why don't you keep looking? - You know, I was terrified.
What about before it began?
You didn't look around while you were waiting in line?
I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone.
You wanna take another picture?
I could bend over and pick up a pencil.
Whatever. This guy. Asshole.
while - mentre
video - video
under - sotto
whatever - qualunque cosa
smack - schiaffo
seeing - vedendo
right - destra
remember - ricorda
seemed - sembrava
recognise - riconoscere
quality - qualità
phone - telefono
teller - cassiere
pencil - matita
waiting - in attesa
anyone - chiunque
again - ancora
asshole - stronzo
great - grande
about - di
picture - immagine
another - un altro
afraid - impaurito
after - dopo
girlfriend - fidanzata
afterwards - in seguito
wanna - voglio
talking - parlando
before - prima
terrified - terrorizzato
began - iniziato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
office - ufficio
eight - otto
around - in giro
others - altri
front - davanti
playing - giocando
almost - quasi
killed - ucciso
could - poteva
little - piccolo
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