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Your husband had told me you
were the most beautiful woman
that he'd ever met.
I didn't expect the most beautiful woman
I'd ever met.
"Dismiss your vows,
your feigned tears, your flattery,
for where a heart is hard
they make no battery."
"Whoever loved that loved
not at first sight?"
Now, you didn't ask me here
to pick me up.
You could be disbarred for that.
Maybe I'm reckless.
What was your performance
about this afternoon?
What did your lawyer say?
Oh, Freddy thinks you're a buffoon.
He says
you've been too successful,
you're bored, complacent,
and you're on your way down.
- But you don't think so.
- How do you know?
- Why would you be here?
- Why did you ask me?
- Can't I be curious?
- About what?
- Do you ever answer questions?
- Do you?
I'll have the tournedoes of beef.
The lady will have the same. Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I assume you're a carnivore.
Oh, Mr. Massey, you have no idea.
Miles, please.
Tell me more about yourself.
All right, Miles.
Let me tell you
everything that you need to know.
You may think you're tough,
but I eat men like you for breakfast.
I've invested five good years
in my marriage to Rex,
and I've nailed his ass
fair and square.
Now I'm going to have it
stuffed, mounted...
and have my lady friends come over
and throw darts at it.
Man-hater, huh?
People don't go on safaris
'cause they hate animals.
So it's just for the hunt,
with the trophy at the end.
No. Nothing so frivolous.
This divorce means money.
Money means independence.
That's what I'm after.
What are you after, Miles?
I'm a lot like you.
Just looking for
an ass to mount.
yourself - te stesso
years - anni
would - voluto
woman - donna
trophy - trofeo
tough - difficile
successful - riuscito
safaris - safari
right - destra
reckless - spericolato
performance - prestazione
people - persone
means - si intende
everything - qualunque cosa
divorce - divorzio
dismiss - respingere
darts - freccette
curious - curioso
carnivore - carnivoro
animals - animali
could - poteva
stuffed - ripieni
sight - vista
feigned - finto
please - per favore
disbarred - radiato dall'albo
nothing - niente
think - pensare
afternoon - pomeriggio
questions - le domande
after - dopo
buffoon - buffone
answer - risposta
tears - lacrime
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
complacent - compiaciuto
breakfast - colazione
flattery - adulazione
where - dove
beautiful - bellissimo
about - di
assume - assumere
bored - annoiato
battery - batteria
first - primo
freddy - freddy
friends - amici
throw - gettare
frivolous - frivolo
going - andando
independence - indipendenza
whoever - chiunque
mounted - a cavallo
heart - cuore
square - piazza
loved - amato
husband - marito
expect - aspettarsi
invested - investito
lawyer - avvocato
marriage - matrimonio
tournedoes - tournedoes
thinks - pensa
hater - che odia
massey - massey
maybe - può essere
miles - miglia
thank - ringraziare
money - i soldi
mount - montare
nailed - inchiodato
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