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My payment is $25,000 in cash in advance.
No exceptions.
- 25? - Yes, sir.
- I thought you said twenty. - I was told twenty.
Is that a problem?
We don't have a problem with 25. That's not our problem.
Then what is your problem?
We have a problem with the advance.
- No exceptions. - Sir, let me explain.
One of the reasons we're interested in having this done
is my mother holds a very large insurance policy.
They usually do.
Now we thought if we can guarantee payment
after the policy has been covered...
Look, this really isn't open for discussion.
- The conversation is finished. - Please, this isn't...
What'd you think this was?
"Let's Make A Deal"?
This is serious business you're fucking with here, boy.
- I'm aware of that. - No, I don't think you are.
I don't take you seriously.
This is gonna get done one way or another.
Our conversation is finished. I never met you.
You never met me.
Of course, we never discussed the possibility of a retainer.
What do you mean?
You know how to reach me.
Call me if she's interested.
Hey, man, you talking about my sister?
Is that who she is?
twenty - venti
thought - pensato
serious - grave
reasons - motivi
reach - raggiungere
retainer - servitore
problem - problema
possibility - possibilità
policy - politica
payment - pagamento
please - per favore
mother - madre
business - attività commerciale
usually - generalmente
think - pensare
conversation - conversazione
talking - parlando
sister - sorella
discussion - discussione
another - un altro
aware - consapevole
never - mai
guarantee - garanzia
about - di
course - corso
covered - coperto
really - veramente
discussed - discusso
having - avendo
after - dopo
explain - spiegare
finished - finito
seriously - sul serio
exceptions - eccezioni
fucking - cazzo
gonna - andando
holds - detiene
insurance - assicurazione
interested - interessato
advance - avanzare
large - grande
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