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Max. Your father is sorry. He had to work.
- He said he was gonna be here. He promised. - I know.
I know, but he promises that he is gonna see you tomorrow.
Okay? He's gonna pick you up from school. All right?
So come on. Make a wish.
I wish that for only one day... Dad couldn't tell a lie.
Mmm. That was incredible.
Was it good for you ?
I've had better.
I've had better?
I've had better?
- Hi. - Hi.
- New in the building? - Yeah, I just moved in Monday.
- Oh! You like it so far? - Everybody's been real nice.
Well, that's because you have big jugs.
I mean, your boobs are huge.
I mean, I wanna squeeze 'em.
- Any change, mister? - Absolutely.
- Could you spare some? - Yes, I could.
Will ya? How come?
Because I believe you will buy booze with it!
I just wanna get from my car to the office without being confronted
by the decay of Western society!
Plus, I'm cheap!
Jerk off!
without - senza
western - occidentale
wanna - voglio
squeeze - spremere
spare - scorta
right - destra
better - meglio
change - modificare
booze - liquore
promises - promesse
boobs - tette
tomorrow - domani
gonna - andando
society - società
incredible - incredibile
school - scuola
because - perché
sorry - scusa
being - essere
confronted - di fronte
mister - signore
could - poteva
cheap - a buon mercato
absolutely - assolutamente
believe - credere
monday - lunedi
father - padre
moved - mosso
decay - decadimento
office - ufficio
building - costruzione
promised - promesso
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