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- Quit. - What?
- Quit your job. - Quit my job?
- I did. You do it. - You quit your job?
Well, I didn't really quit, but I got fired. But it was the same thing.
Linda, you were right.
No more responsible David.
I'm free. I was responsibly blind, honey. I was a dead man!
I would have never used that word, if I knew you're gonna take it so literally.
I didn't mean anything.
I'm giving you credit for saving my life.
It was just a word.
Linda, they were jacking me off!
They were jacking me off.
I was on the road to nowhere. Do you know the road?
It's a nowhere road. It goes nowhere.
- You're on it. You don't know it? - No
It's a nowhere road. It just goes around in the circle.
It's the carrot on the stick and the watch when you're 70.
Who was madesenior vice president?
I don't care anymore about school senior vice president.
I'm sick of being programmed like a stupid robot.
- Phil Shabano! - Why?
Phil Shabano! I don't know why the underqualified son of a bitch!
I'll tell you why. Because life isn't fair.
But you know what'll happen? It'll balance out.
He'll buy that boat I've had to look at in that stupid catalogue for three years.
and he'll crash in catalina, and die
and seals will eat him!
You like Phil.
So what? I'm just telling what might be.
Fine, he won't die, he won't be eaten,
but he'll never find his way back to the mainland.
Linda, quit. I'll wait right here.
I can't quit now.
- Yes, you can. - No, I can't
- I did.
I know. But even if I wanted to, my boss isn't here.
There's no one I can quit to.
But it's time to get out! We have to touch Indians.
We have to see the mountains and the prairies
and the whole rest of that song.
Let's make love right now.
I want to have sex with you right now, right now, right here.
Please, we can do it later at home.
Later, OK?
We don't have any spontaneity. You right?
Two responsible people that can't have sex here?
Why not? It's a room with a ceiling. Come on, come on.
We'll find the ones.
Linda, we're free! Quit right now. Quit right now.
All right. Fine. I'll wait outside.
Look, my boss isn't here.
Let's talk about this tonight.
I'm hyper. I'm on this high. But it's real! It's real!
Now, all right, I've got things to do.
Oh, I love you so much. One last chance for a quickie, for a quickie! Come on!
wanted - ricercato
three - tre
telling - raccontare
stick - bastone
spontaneity - spontaneità
shabano - shabano
touch - toccare
seals - guarnizioni
school - scuola
saving - salvataggio
robot - robot
gonna - andando
president - presidente
eaten - mangiato
crash - schianto
would - voluto
credit - credito
thing - cosa
being - essere
chance - opportunità
circle - cerchio
about - di
watch - orologio
anymore - più
david - david
anything - qualsiasi cosa
stupid - stupido
please - per favore
balance - equilibrio
programmed - programmato
underqualified - sottoqualificato
ceiling - soffitto
carrot - carota
because - perché
years - anni
around - in giro
fired - licenziato
whole - totale
bitch - cagna
blind - cieco
happen - accadere
honey - miele
might - potrebbe
mainland - terraferma
prairies - praterie
giving - dando
hyper - iper
indians - indiani
senior - anziano
right - destra
jacking - jacking
catalina - catalina
later - dopo
nowhere - da nessuna parte
linda - linda
catalogue - catalogare
never - mai
madesenior - madesenior
literally - letteralmente
outside - al di fuori
mountains - montagne
things - cose
people - persone
quickie - sveltina
really - veramente
tonight - stasera
responsible - responsabile
responsibly - in modo responsabile
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