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Professor, my cells are reproducing at a phenomenal speed.
Several million per second.
I'm having trouble precisely evaluating the time of my death,
but I doubt I'll last more than 24 hours.
What are you talking about?
What I'm saying is that your theory is not a theory.
I absorbed a large quantity of synthetic C.P.H.4.
that will allow me to use 100% of my cerebral capacity.
Right now, I'm at 28%,
and what you wrote is true.
Once the brain reaches 20%, it opens up and expands the rest.
There are no more obstacles.
They fall away like dominoes. I'm colonizing my own brain.
Well, I don't know what to... Say.
It's true, I've been working on this theory for over 20 years,
it's only ever been hypotheses and research ideas.
I never thought anyone would...
- You can control your own metabolism? - Yes.
And I can start to control other people's bodies.
Also, I can control magnetic and electric waves.
Not all of them, just the most basic.
Television. Telephone.
That's amazing.
I don't feel pain, fear, desire.
It's like all things that make us human are fading away.
It's like the less human I feel,
all this knowledge about everything,
quantum physics, applied mathematics,
the infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus.
They're all exploding inside my brain, all this knowledge.
I don't know what to do with it.
If you're asking me what to do...
You know,
if you think about the very nature of life,
I mean, from the very beginning,
the development of the first cell
divided into two cells.
The sole purpose of life has been to
pass on what was learned.
There was no higher purpose.
So if you're asking me what to do
with all this knowledge you're accumulating, I'd say
pass it on.
Just like any simple cell
going through time.
Time. Yes, of course.
I'll be at your door in 12 hours.
would - voluto
working - lavoro
through - attraverso
thought - pensato
think - pensare
there - là
synthetic - sintetico
speed - velocità
second - secondo
saying - detto
right - destra
purpose - scopo
professor - professore
phenomenal - fenomenale
obstacles - ostacoli
nucleus - nucleo
nature - natura
television - [object Object]
million - milione
accumulating - accumulando
dominoes - domino
doubt - dubbio
years - anni
physics - fisica
learned - imparato
start - inizio
several - parecchi
divided - diviso
cerebral - cerebrale
infinite - infinito
death - morte
telephone - telefono
never - mai
amazing - stupefacente
electric - elettrico
capacity - [object Object]
trouble - guaio
theory - teoria
reproducing - riproduzione
asking - chiede
basic - di base
bodies - corpi
opens - si apre
hypotheses - ipotesi
wrote - ha scritto
cells - cellule
absorbed - assorbito
research - ricerca
development - sviluppo
quantum - quantistico
applied - [object Object]
talking - parlando
other - altro
about - di
ideas - idee
desire - desiderio
colonizing - colonizzando
evaluating - valutare
anyone - chiunque
fading - dissolvenza
beginning - inizio
everything - qualunque cosa
waves - onde
expands - espande
simple - semplice
brain - cervello
large - grande
radio - radio
first - primo
having - avendo
control - controllo
hours - ore
precisely - precisamente
exploding - che esplode
going - andando
reaches - raggiunge
quantity - quantità
higher - più alto
human - umano
inside - dentro
knowledge - conoscenza
magnetic - magnetico
things - cose
course - corso
allow - permettere
mathematics - matematica
metabolism - metabolismo
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